Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967
was for freshmen and repeaters. An o t h er course, r un by W i l l i ams - i n - Ho ng K o n g in cooperation w i t h the College, was specially designed for teacher s of English in secondary and p r i ma ry schools and in-service social workers. T h e t h i r d one, conducted by three volunteer teachers f r om Stanford University, was a special course for t h i rd and fourth-year students of the College. T h e three courses ended on Augu st 25 , 1967. Δ T he Fine A r ts Society of U n i t ed College organized a Summer Camp for its members on L a mma Island f r om July 18 to Jul y 20. Tw e n t y - f o ur members participated. Δ T h e Farewell D i n n er and Ball sponsored by the Student U n i on of Ch u ng Chi College in honour of the graduates of 1967, was held on June 3 0 , a t the H i l t on Hotel. Δ T h e chess contest sponsored b y the student unions of the University of H o ng K o n g and the Foundation Colleges of this University was completed recently. Ch u ng C hi came first in Chinese Chess and the University of H o ng K o n g in International Chess. M r . T . C . Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and President of Un i t ed College, gav e the prizes at the ceremony on July 14 a t Un i t e d. A P P O I N T M E N T S I n July New Asia College announced the f o l l ow i ng appointments and re-organization for the c om i ng academic year (1967 - 68): 1. Deans of Faculties D r . Chan g Pao-heng, Senio r Lecturer and Head of the De p a r t me nt of English Language an d Literature, was appointed Dean of the Facult y of Arts. T h e post was f o rme r ly held by Professor T a n g Ch u n - i. D r . T c h a ng Pi-kai, Senior Lecturer and Hea d of the Department of Economics, was appointed Dean o f the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science (formerly k n own as Dean of Commerce). H is immediate predecessor was D r . Yang Ju-mei. D r . Yen Kw o - y u n g, Senior Lecturer and Head of th e De p a r t me nt of Biology, w i l l continue to be Dean o f the Faculty of Science. 2. Re-arrangement of Departments T h e De p a r t me nt of Philosophy an d Sociology of the Faculty of Arts, has bee n divided into the Department of Philosophy, wh i ch w i ll remain a part of the Faculty of Arts, and the De p a r t me nt of Sociology, wh i ch has been p ut under the newly established Faculty of Commerce and Social Science. Professor T a ng C h u n -i has been appointed Head o f the De p a r t me nt of Philosophy, and M r . L e ng T s u n, Head of the Department of Sociology. W i t h effect f r om the academic year 1967 - 68 , the Depa r tment of Journalism has been transferred f r om the Faculty of A r ts to the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science. D r . We i T a - k u n g, Lecturer, has succeeded D r . T c h a ng Pi-ka i as Head of the Department. M r . C . L . Yuan, a former staff tutor in the University's De p a r t me nt of E x t r a - Mu r al Studies, has been appointed Comptroller/Bursar of N ew Asia College , a post left vacant by M r . Do n a ld McCa b e, who returned to the Un i t ed States this summer . M r . L a u Wa i -ma n, Lecturer in History at U n i t ed College, has been appointed Head of the Department of History f r om July 1’ 1967 to June 30’ 1968. Fr. J.B. Gannon, S.J., Lecturer in English at U n i t ed College, has been appointed Head o f the Department of English Language & Literature f r o m July 1 , 1 9 67 to July 31, 1968. T h e Un i v e r s i ty recently approved re-appointment and new appointment of the followin g as Social W o r k Field Supervisors at Ch u ng Chi College for 1967-68: M r . M i c h a el L . Sugg; M r s. Joy L i g h t ; M r s. Rosalind Pu t n am; M i ss Agnes N g ; M i ss M a r y E. Smith. OBITUARY Mr. Tsow An Chung M r . T s ow A n Chung, retired Lecturer of Economics, N ew Asia College, and on e of the College Governors of Ch u ng C h i College, passed away on Augu st 2 , 1967 at the age of 67. M r . T s ow was a native of Wu - Ch a n g, China. He graduated f r om F u h T a n Universit y in Shanghai in 1924 w i t h a B.C.Sc. degree. M r . T s ow taught at various universitie s in China i n c l u d i ng F u h T a n University and Shangha i L aw University. He was for some time Assistant Ma n a g i ng D i r e c t or of Peiping Ha n k o w Railway Adm i n i s t r a t i o n, and a Manager and Director of Bank of Communications in China. M r . T s ow joined the staff of N ew Asia College in August 1959, and wa s appointed Lecturer of Economics. He served w i t h the College u n t il his retirement on Septembe r 30, 1966. F r om October 1, 1966 he taught at the College on a part-time basis. • Mr. Howard William Hilgendorf,Jr., M r . Howa r d W i l l i am H i l g e n d o r f, Jr., graduat e of Yale University, who arrived i n K o n g K o n g on 10th July to assume teachin g duties at N ew Asia Collge, died in a tragi c fall near Bride's Pool five days later. T h e staf f and students of the College mo u r n ed his death at a memorial service held at Heep Y u n n School Chapel on 24th July. T h e service was conducted by Rev. James Pun, Assistant Dean of Students , and attended by D r . Ou Ts u i n - c hen, the President, M r . and M r s. B.P. Schoyer , and many staff members and students. 6
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