Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968
comparable courses offered at the University given in parentheses:— 1. Bookkeeping and Accounts I (Principles of Accounting) 2. Costing (Cost Accounting and Managerial Analysis) 3. Taxation (Income Tax Procedure and Accounting) 4. Auditing (Aud iting ) 5. Bookkeeping and Accounts I I (Asset and Equity Accounting , Advanced Accounting) The above exemptions are, however, subject to an applicant's being engaged in accountancy work o f an acceptable character. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Prof. Mason R. Smith, Professor o f Journalism and D irector of the Mass Communications Centre of the University, left fo r Kuala Lumpur on 22nd June to become consultant to the South-East Asia Press Centre. The South-East Asia Press Centre trains student journalists and working newsmen in Malay sia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia , Cambodia and Laos. • D r. Hans C. Freeman, Reader in Chemistry, University of Sydney, visited the Chemistry Depart ment of United College on 7th June. He was met by D r. S.C. Joseph Fu, Professor of Chemistry assigned to United College, and members o f its Chemistry Department. Dr. Freeman gave a lecture at the Chemistry Research Laboratory of the University located at the College. • Dr. Kai-keung Mark, Lecturer in Biology of New Asia College, left fo r Japan on 1st June. He is now working w ith other biologists in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, University of Osaka, on a jo in t research project on the central mechanism in the E. coli bacteriophage T4 system. He is expected to stay there fo r about three months during which time he w ill represent the University at the 12th International Congress of Genetics to be held in mid August in Tokyo, • Prof. L in Yutang, Research Professor of Philology of the University, visked Hong Kong from 25th to 29th June to attend the University's 7th Congregation fo r the Conferment o f Honorary Degrees held on 27th June at the C ity H a ll Concert Hall. • Dr. David Sheng, Lecturer in Music at Chung Chi College, left w ith his fam ily on 1st July fo r the United States, • M r. Harold H o , Lecturer in Social Work, left Hong Kong on 6th June to participate in the 14th International Congress o f Schools of Social Work and the 14th International Conference on Social Welfare to be held in Helsinki, Finland from 14th to 24th August. • M r. Chan Ying-keung , Demonstrator in Geo graphy, United College, left fo r Paris on 27th June to pursue postgraduate studies fo r two years at the University of Bordeaux after having been awarded a scholarship by the Government of France. • A t the request of the United Presbyterian Church in U.S.A., Rev. F ranklin J. Woo , Associate Chaplain at Chung Chi College, left fo r the United States on 7th June to participate in a national programme which addressed itself to the racial crisis in large American cities. • Miss Lo Ching-chu , Cataloguer in the Chung Chi College L ib ra ry , left fo r the United States on 16th June to pursue further studies in L ib ra ry Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. • M r. L in Ping-luen, a fourth year student of Physics, United College, left fo r West Germany on 10th June to study Physics at the University of Gottingen. He had been awarded a scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service. • M r. Koo Yee-yin, Irving, President of United College Student Union fo r the 1967-68 session, returned to Hong Kong on 7th June after his participation in the 14th Far East Student Leader Project in the U.S.A. as the representative from Hong Kong. COLLEGE NEWS • Dr. Ou Tsuin-chen's tenure as President of New Asia College was due to expire at the end of June this year. A fte r consulting the Vice-Chancellor and w ith his consent, the College Board of Governors has now extended his term of office fo r another year. • On 26th June, the United College Staff Association held a dinner in honour of the Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, C .B .E ., K.St.J., J.P., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College, on his being conferred the degree o f Doctor of Laws, H o n o r i s causa, by the University at its Seventh Congregation. A t the dinner M r. Fung was presented w ith a pair of gold cuff-links engraved w ith the University crest, and a framed scroll. This dinner also served as a farewell party to staff members who would be leaving the College at the end of the current academic year. Members o f the Association bade farewell to M r. S.K. Fang, Vice-President, and Mrs. Fang, who would be emigrating to Canada and to whom a pair of gold cuff-links and a scroll of calligraphy were presented. Other staff members leaving the College also received mementos such as College pennants and ivory balls. — 4 —
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