Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 11 Aug 1968
COMINGS AND GOINGS • M r. J.B. Butterworth, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warw ick and Chairman of the Inter- University Council on Higher Education Overseas ( lU C ) visited the University on 8th August. • Sir Charles Wilson, Vice-Chancellor of Glas gow University and Vice-Chairman of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and Lady Wilson visited the University during their visit to Hong Kong from 25th to 31st July. • Dr. S.C. Joseph Fu, Professor of Chemistry o f the University assigned to United College , left fo r the United States on 3rd July on leave fo r about two months. He is expected to return to Hong Kong early in September. • Professor Chou Fa-kao, Professor of Chinese at Chung Chi College, resumed duty on 2nd August after special leave. Professor Chou left fo r Taiwan on 12th July to attend a Meeting of Academicians, Academia Sinica, and to collect research material. • D r. H .H . Ho, Lecturer in Physics at New Asia College, has gone to England on long leave to continue his electronic studies, and to make an observation tour of British electronic institutions, including the famous PYE Electrical Co. • Dr. Yun-shen Bau, Lecturer in Biology at New Asia College, on long leave from July 1968 to March 1969, has gone to England to do research on penicillin. He is the recipient of a Sino-British Fellowship Trust scholarship. • Professor Vernon Kramer, former Professor o f Mathematics, returned to the United States on 17th July after completion of his term of service at this University. Mrs. Mabelle B. Nardin, Fulbright Lecturer at the School of Education fo r 1967-68, has also left the Colony. • Each year the Yaie-in-China Association sends two “ Yale Bachelors" to teach English and other courses at New Asia College fo r a period of two years. For the year 1968-69, the new Bachelors are M r. Jacques Robert Leslie, Jr. and M r. John Tardino, Jr. • Dr. Francis S. Hutchins, Representative of the Yale-in-China Association at New Asia College, and his wife returned to America on home leave on 18th July. The couple w ill stop over in India and Egypt on their way to the United States. They are expected to return to Hong Kong in early September. M r. T imothy L igh t w ill serve as Acting Representa tive during the absence of Dr. Hutchins. • M r. Hsieh Tso-yu, Dean of the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research at New Asia College, and M r. Mou Tsung-san, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at New Asia College, went to Taiwan in m id-July to negotiate the publication of their books. Beginning from 26th August , they w ill attend the F irst International Sinological Con ference to be held at the College of Chinese Culture in Taipei. • M r. T.C. Lai, Deputy D irector of Extramural Studies, attended an annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Congress of Univer sity A d u lt Education, held at the University of Leeds, England, 25th-28th July , 1968. He also attended the Conference on Common wealth Literature & Language at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 9th-15th August, 1968. • M r. Chi Hsiu, Lecturer in Chemistry , New Asia College, left fo r the Tokyo University of Education on 24th July, where he w ill spend his summer months working w ith Prof. Kozo Nagashima on the Coprecipitated Phases in the Calcium- Gadolinium Oxalate System. A paper on their findings w ill be published in the Bull eti n of the Chemical Society, Japan. • M r. Y im Lee, Senior Lecturer, Dean of the Faculty of A rts and Head of the Chinese Depart ment, United College, left fo r Taiwan on 28th July to attend the First International Sinological Con ference and also to continue his research on oracle bones and bronze scripts. He is expected to return early in September. • M r. Lo Chiu-ching, Lecturer in H istory at Chung Chi College, returned at the end of July after a year's research on a Leverhulme Trust Scholarship at the School of Oriental and A frican Studies, London University. • Visitors to United College in the month of July included Professor Charles Hagen, Associate Dean of Faculties and Professor of Botany, Indiana University , and M r. Harvey Feldman, Cultural Affairs Officer of the American Consulate-General in Hong Kong. — 1 2 —
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