Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 8 Mar 1967
Δ Professor John Cowee, Vice-President of Marquette University and member of the Advisory Committee on Lingnan Institute of Business Administration of this University, arrived in Hong Kong on March 6 together with Mr. Eliot Fitch, Chairman of the Board of Regents of Marquette University. Δ Mr. Lamar Crowson, Senior Lecturer in Pianoforte in the University of Cape Town and one of the adjudicators of this year's Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, visited the Department of Music of Chung Chi College on March 10. Mr. Crowson, an accomplished pianist, has won many honours in international competition and performed with a number of world famous conductors. He gave a lecture demonstration to the piano students of the Department. Δ Professor Elkan R. Blout, Chairman, Department of Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, arrived in Hong Kong on March 24 with his wife to visit the two Universities in Hong Kong. On March 25, Professor Blout gave a lecture on “Optical Activity Measurement and the Conformation of Polypeptides and Proteins”. Another American professor, Professor John C. Scheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also visited the two Universities with Mrs. Scheehan. Both the Scheehans and the Blouts were here on their way back to Boston. Δ Dr. Bernard Spolsky, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of Indiana, visited United College from March 5 to 7, to confer with the academic Registrar and members of the Department of English of the College. Δ Dr. & Mrs. Shannon McCune, Research Professor of Geography, University of Vermont, visited Chung Chi College on February 28. Dr. McCune was formerly President of the University of Vermont, Civil Administrator of the Ryukyu Islands, and Provost of the University of Massachusetts. Δ Other overseas scholars who visited Chung Chi College during this month were Dr. and Mrs. Harold Titus, retired Professor of Philosophy of Denison University, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. L. Earl Willmott of Mount Royal College, Alberta, Canada, who formerly taught at West China Union University; Professor & Mrs. Adolf F. Sturmthal of the University of Illinois and Rev. Dryden L. Phelps, a former teacher at West China Union University, and Mrs. Phelps. COLLEGE NEWS Δ Dr. Yen Kwo-yung, Dean of Faculty of Science and Chairman of the Biology Department, New Asia College, left for the United States on March 15, to spend four months there on research. During Dr. Yen's leave, Dr. Pan Puh, Chairman of the College's Mathematics Department, acts as the Dean of Science, and Dr. Chao Chuan-ying of the Biology Department, as Chairman of the Department. Δ Dr. Kueh Yek Yeow has recently been appointed Lecturer of Economics, New Asia College. Δ Since the beginning of this term, about 60 geography students of Chung Chi College have been carrying on work in the Central District after they completed their field work for urban land-use survey of the Tsimshatsui district. The survey and mapping of this district which is of considerable importance both to the government and private citizen, will be completed early in April. Δ The Overseas Scholarship Committee of New Asia College announced that two Yale-in-China Scholarships for the year 1967 will be granted to Miss Kao Mee Ching and Mr. Mei Foon. Miss Kao is a Fine Arts student and Mr. Mei studies Journalism, both in their last year of studies in the College. The Yale-in-China Association of the U.S.A. contributes annually two full scholarships, including travelling expenses, for New Asia students to spend two years in America to read for Master's degrees. The Scholarships sometimes enable outstanding students to complete courses leading to a Doctor's degree. Δ On March 10 ,a noted Korean dancer, Dr. Won Kyung Cho, was presented by the Department of Music, Chung Chi College, in a solo dance performance to a packed audience. The programme also included a lecture demonstration of the characteristic movements in Korean dances, and an introduction to Asian dances. Δ The one-act drama “Hypnobatia” presented by the Drama Club of New Asia College came first in the Second Drama Festival sponsored by the Hong Kong Federation of Students on February 28. Δ The annual College Mission of Chung Chi College was held during the week March 13-17 ,1967, in the College Chapel. The Rev. Tso Sun Ming, a retired pastor of the Church of Christ in China and Chief Editor and Chairman of the Chinese Christian Association for Free Distribution, gave a series of talks on the general theme “Religious Faith and Personal Cultivation”. Rev. Tso Sun Ming was also invited to give a short talk to the Chung Chi Staff Club at a luncheon on March 13. Δ On March 22, The Cultural Sub-Committee of the Chung Chi Staff Club invited Mr. Harold Lang to speak on “The Modern Theatre” at the luncheon meeting of the club. 6
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