Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
Appointments and Transfers The Hon. H.J.C. Browne and Mr. J.S. Lee, members of the University Council, have been appointed members of the Finance Committee of the Council f r om 17th June to mid-August 1969 during the absence f r o m Hong Kong of the Hon. Q.W. Lee, Treasurer of the University and Chairman of the Finance Committee, an d the Hon. S.S. Gordon, member of the same Committee. Prof. S.S. Hsueh , Professor of Government and Public Administration, has been appointed Acting Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science until the next election of Deans. During Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu's absence f r om 16th J u l y , 1 9 69 to 19th September, 1969, Prof. Bay-sung Hsu, Professor of Physics, has been appointed Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science; Dr. Danny S.H. Ma k, Lecturer in Chemistry, United College, and M r . C.N. Lam, Associate Lecturer in Chemistry, United College, have been appointed to take charge of the University Chemistry Research Laboratory; Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Chemistry, New Asia College, was first appointed Convenor of the Board of Studies in Chemistry, but, since Dr. Chang's departure for Australia on 17th August to attend a Congress, Dr. Tam Shang-wai, Lecturer and Chairman o f the Department of Chemistry, Chung Chi College , has been appointed Convenor until Prof. Fu's return. Prof. Shou-Sheng Hsueh has been appointed Acting Director of the Social Survey Research Centre to take care of administrative matters, effective with Dr. Robert E. Mitchell's departure on 3rd August, 1969. Dr. Sutu Hsin, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Business Management at United College, has been appointed Convenor of the Board of Studies in Commerce until a new Chairman of the Boar d is appointed in October or November. Mrs. Elizabeth Ko, Assistant Registrar (Public Affairs), has been transferred to the Appointments Service as Deputy Director with effect from 18th July, 1969. Mr. L i u Yuen-Chang, Administrative Assistant of Chung Chi College, has been transferred to the Central Office o f the University as Assistant Buildings Officer (Grounds) with effect from 1st July, 1969. Promotion Mrs. Christine Wong, Administrative Assistant of the University , has been promoted Assistant Registrar (Personnel) with effect f r om 1st August, 1969. STAFF PROFILES Dr. Li Ming-hsun, Senior Lecturer in Business Administration, Chung Chi College (picture in Chinese section) Dr. L i Ming-hsun, born in Kwangtung, China , in 1912, received his primary and secondary education in Pui Y i ng Middle School, Canton. After graduating from Yenchin g University in 1931 with a B . A. degree, he pursued postgraduate studies at Yenching and Tsinghu a in 1933-35. He was a Sino-British Indemnity Fun d Scholar from 1936-40 and obtained his Ph.D. degree f r om the London School of Economic s in 1940, thetitle of his thesis being " The Great Recoinage of 1696-99 ( A Particular Study of the Problem of Currency Devaluation)". The thesis was published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Publishers) Ltd ., London, in 1963. Dr. L i returned to Chungking early in 1941 during the wa r and soon afterwards joined the Bank of C h i n a , F o r e i gn Department, in charge of a research unit. H e was assigned to the Bank of China, Canton, afte r the war. In 1957 he became Manager of the Bank of China in Bangkok until the end of 1961. He was Manager of the Singapore Office of Lee Wah Bank from 1962 until he took up the appointment of this University in July 1968 as Senior Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Chung Chi College. I n 1966 Dr. L i published two articles in the Far Eastern Economic Review, H o n g K o n g , o n the present international monetary system and its problems. I n the same year he also published a series of articles in the Review a nd Nanyang Hsiang Piao in Singapore on the split of currency of Singapore and Malaysia. Dr. L i served for four years as External Examiner of Nanyan g University for three courses, namely, Money and Banking, International Trade, and Banking Systems. — 9 —
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