Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
how and why the ancient Chinese agricultural complex was distinctly "Sinitic " and different from those of other ancient cultures of the Old World. Hong Kong Economic Papers, in E n g l i s h, published by this University as from its 4th issue, is a serial publication of the Hong Kong Economic Association. Edited b y Prof. Ronald Hsia of the University of Hong Kong, the current number contains 6 articles of original surveys, analyses and prescriptive studies undertaken by local and overseas economists with keen interest in the Far Eastern economy. Department of Extramural Studies Hong Kong Studies: A Bibliography, p u b l i s h ed by the Department of Extramural Studies of the University, is written jointly by Dr. Morris I. Berkowitz and Mr. K.K. Poon of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Chung Chi College. It lists over one thousand books, journal articles and research reports o n Hong Kong and is a "must" for scholars and students interested in the study of Hong Kong society. Professorial Inaugural Addresses From December 1964 to June 1965 a series of public lectures were given by the professors of the University. These inaugura l addresses have been published in monographs in the language in which they were delivered, with a summary in translation. 1. Geographical Evaluation of the Chinese Fang-Chih (in Chinese) by Prof. Chen Cheng-siang, Chair of Geography 2. Past, Present and Future of Chinese Linguistics (in Chinese) by Prof. Chou Fa Kao, Chair o f Chinese Language and Literature 3. Recent Trends in World Trade (in E n g l i s h) by Prof. K.R . Chou, Chair of Economics 4. The Study of World History (in E n g l i s h) b y Prof. Noah E. Fehl, Chair of World History 5. Shakespeare's Successors in English Drama (in English) by Prof. Bertha Hensman, Chair of English Language and Literature 6. Viscoelastic Behaviour of Fibres ( i n Chinese) by Prof. Hsu Bay-Sung, Chai r of Physics 7. The Origin of Cultivated Plants in South- East Asia (in Chinese) by Prof. L i H u i L i n , Chair of Biology 8. On the Indulgence in "Discourse and Polemics" by Scholars of the Wei-Chin Time and its Influence in Subsequent Ages ( i n Chinese) by Prof. Mou Jun Sun,Chair of Chinese History 9. A New Orientation for the Study of Chinese Philosophy (in Chinese) by Prof. Tang Chun-i, Chair of Philosophy 10. How Can Social Research Serve the Community? (in English) by Prof. Pauline V. Young, Chair of Sociology MATHEMATICS SYMPOSIUM A Mathematics Symposium jointly organized by the University of Hong Kong and this University was held from 11th to 14th August, 1969. Participants met at the University of Hong Kong on 11th and 13th,and at this University on 12th and 14th. The purpose o f the Symposium was to exchange information on being conducted by mathematicians of the two universities and to stimulate interest in mathematical research i n Hong Kong. Speakers included Dr. Hin-Chung Hung, guest speaker; Prof. Y.C. Wong, Dr. Yung-Ming Chen, Dr. Choi-Lai Chan and Mr. Y im-Mi ng Wong of the University o f Hong Kong; and Dr. Kwong-Shin Chang, Dr. Kung-Fu Ng, Dr. R.F. Turner-Smith and Dr. Yau-Chuen Wong of this University. This was the first mathematics symposium of its kind held in Hong Kong, and it is hoped that it will become an annua! event with mathematicians from overseas, especially Southeast Asia, participating. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR ADDRESSES THE JOINT SCHOOL SCIENCE EXHIBITION Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University, performed the opening ceremony of the second Joint School Science Exhibition at the Exhibition Hall, City Hall on 19th July, 1969. The — 6 —
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