Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
(c) to receive information on all academic and related technical appointments by the Colleges and the University; (d) to receive information on applications for study leave and research grants of the academic staff; and (e) to deal with other academic matters referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or by the Senate. The Committee meets at least six times a year and reports to the Senate through the Vice-Chancellor. NEW UNIVERSITY BURSAR'S OFFICE In view of the rapid growth of the University and the development of additional academic and administrative units, and in accordance with the decision of the University Council, the Finance and Business Sections of the Central Office were separated from the University Registry and a separate Bursar's Office with responsibility for business and financial matters was established effective 1st July, 1969. The Deputy Registrar, Mrs. E.J. Fehl, was appointed to the post of University Bursar and the Assistant Registrar (Finance), Mr. David A. Gilkes, was appointed to the post of Assistant University Bursar. The University Bursar is responsible for budgeting, expenditure control of recurrent funds, accounting, purchasing, allocation o f space, overseas travel and housing arrangements. COMMEMORATIVE STAMP FOR THE UNIVERSITY A special stamp, of the 40¢ denomination and showing the crest of the University in purple and gold, was issued by the Post Office of Hong Kong on 26th August, 1969 to commemorate the start of the University's occupation of the site at Shatin. The Central Office of the University moved into the Benjamin Franklin Centre on the campus in March 1969, and the Graduate School and University Library moved i n during the last two months. Banking service is now provided at the Centre by Hang Seng Bank Ltd. READER'S DIGEST SCHOLARSHIP FOR TOP STUDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY An annual scholarship of $6,000 will be awarded to the academically most distinguished student of the University by Reader's Digest Asia Ltd. Miss L in Tai-yi, Editor of Reader's Digest Chinese Edition, presented the cheque to Dr. Choh- Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University, at a brief ceremony on 3rd July, 1969. This scheme will be effective from the academic year 1969-70. The winner of the Reader's Digest Scholarship will be selected by the authorities of the University. Miss L in said this scholarship was a token of the Digest's interest in higher education in Hong Kong, and expressed hope that it would encourage the students to raise their academic standard. Vice-Chancellor L i is Editorial Consultant of Reader's Digest Chinese Edition. (picture in Chinese section) UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS Publications Office Experimental Modern Physics, w r i t t en i n Chinese by Dr. L.S. Chuang of the Physics Department, Chung Chi College, is intended as a text and guide for a university level laboratory course in modern physics, particularl y atomic and nuclear physics. Included are 35 experiments carefully selected with detailed instructions and a discussion of the theory underlying the development and design of each experiment. Due regard is given to industrial and nuclear technology so that the book is suitable also fo r students of Chemistry, Biology and Nuclear Engineering. Loess Environment ami the Origin of Chinese Agriculture by Prof. Ho Ping-ti, Professor of James Westfall Thompson Chair of History at the University of Chicago and External Examiner of this University, is a contribution to the study of China's prehistory and ancient history. The present study, written in Chinese, provides a succinct summary of the findings of scientific research and analyses the ancient Chinese botanical records in detail. It makes a critica l examination of the aggregate archaeological, botanical, historica l and philological data concerning Chinese food crops and explains — 5 —
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