Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
NEW PRESIDENT OF NEW ASIA COLLEGE AND PRO-VICE- CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY —DR. Y. T. SHEN Dr. Y.T . Shen assumed duty as President of New Asia College on 1st July, 1969 succeeding Dr. Ou Tsuin-chen, wh o retired on 30th June upon the expiry of his tenure of presidency. The appointment of Dr. Y.T. Shen was first announced by Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the College, on 1st June. A Ceremony of Transfer between the retiring President and the new President was held at the College on 30th June, with Mr. Tsufa F. Lee, Vice- Chairman of the College Board of Governors, presiding. They were later joined by Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang, Chairman of the Board, who presented the official seals to the new President, (picture in Chinese section) Dr. Shen holds a B.A. degree from the University of Hong Kong, an M. A. degree from the University of Michigan and an Ed. D. degree from Columbia University. He has been a Professor at Chinese National Northwestern Teachers College, National Futan University, National Central University, National Taiwan University, and National Taiwan Normal University; Director of the Chinese National Educational Material s Centre, and Executive Secretary of the U.S. Educational Foundation in China. For many years he has been a member of the Board of Governors of New Asia College, and a part-time Lecturer in the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of the College. He has been a member of the Advisory Committee of the School of Education of this University since February 1967. Dr. Shen has played an active part in several professional organizations, including the China Education Society, the American National Educational Association, the Joh n Dewey Society, and the Vocational Educational Committee of the World Confederation of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP). in 1962 he was given a Russel Award by the WCOTP in recognition of his distinguished contributions in the field of education. As President of New Asia College Dr. Shen is Pro-Vice-Chancellor of this University until 17th October, 1969, serving, therefore, as Chairman of the Senate Committee on University Scholarships, the Undergraduate Examination s Board, the Appointments Board, and the Senate Committee on Discipline. ACADEMIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Composition In accordance with a resolution of the Senate at its Third Meeting (1969) on 20th May, 1969, an Academic Planning Committe e has been set up under the Senate. It consists of the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, the Presidents of the three Foundation Colleges, the Deans of Faculties, and one representative from each of the Faculties. Of the two latter categories, half of the members must be Professors and or Readers and half must be Senior Lecturers and/or Lecturers. The elected members, by virtue of their election, are members of the Senate. The University Registrar serves as Secretary of the Committee. Until the election of the Faculty Deans in October/ November, members of the Committee are as follows: Chairman: The Vice-Chancellor Ex-Officio Members: The College Presidents Prof. Tang Chung- i (Arts) Prof. David H. Li 1 (Commerce and Social Science) Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu 2 (Science) Elected Members: M r . Y i m Lee (Arts) Dr. S.C. Yang (Commerce and Social Science) Dr. R.F. Turner-Smith (Science) Secretary: University Registrar Functions and Duties The functions and duties of the Committee are: (a) to assist the Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate; (b) to initiate plans of university academic development; 1 The A c t i n g Dean, P r o f. S.S. Hsueh, since 5.8.69. 2 The A c t i n g Dean, P r o f. Ba y - s u ng Hsu, d u r i ng P r o f. Fu 's absence f r o m 16.7.69 to 19.9.69. — 4 —
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