Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
leave. During his leave he will undertake research on English drama at the University of Cambridge. He is expected to return next June. • Dr. Kueh Yak-yeow, Lecturer in Economics of New Asia College, left for the United States on 2nd August to engage in research at Harvard University under the Visiting Scholars Programme of the Harvard-Yenching Institute. He is expected to return to the College by the end of June next year. • Prof. Shizuo Fujiware, Professor of Chemistry, University of Tokyo, visited New Asia College on 9th August enroute to Australia to attend the X X I I International Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry to be held in Sydney. Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of New- Asia College, flew to Australia on 17th August to attend the Congress. • Dr. L i Wai Kee, Lecturer in Chemistry, Chung Chi College, attended the X I I International Conference on Coordination Chemistry and X X I I International Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry held in Sydney, Australia from 20th to 27th August, 1969. • Dr. K . Y. Wong, Head of the Department of Geography, United College, attended the First Pacific Regional Science Conference held at the University of Hawaii in August. Dr. Wong is expected to return early in September. • Dr. K . L. Kwok, Lecturer in Physics, United College, who has been awarded a Ford Foundation Grant, will shortly begin research on electron-helium scattering and electron-hydrogen collisions for about six months at the Institute of Computational Sciences of the University of Nebraska, U.S.A. Dr. Kwok left Hong Kong in mid-August and is expected to return in mid-March next year. • Mr . Yuen Shui-min, Demonstrator in Geography, United College, left on 15th August to further his studies at the University of Iowa, U.S.A., where Dr. Sherwood D. Tuttle, Visiting Fulbright Professor to United College during 1968-69, is Professor of Geology. • A group of 40 students from Asia University, Japan, visited New Asia College on 19th August. • Prof. Mi k io Hiramatsu, Visiting Professor of Japanology, Chung Chi College, arrived to assume duty on 24th August, 1969. • Mrs. Fong Lee Mo-kwan, Lecturer in Geography, United College, left Hong Kong on 25th August to pursue advanced studies at the University of British Columbia, Canada, under a Ford Foundation Grant through this University. • Prof. S.Y. Teng, Visiting Professor of History from Indiana University, arrived in Hong Kong at the end of August to assume duty at United College. COLLEGE NEWS • On 10th June the Board of Governors of New Asia College gave a dinner in honour of the College's retiring President, Dr. Ou Tsuin-chen, and its President-designate, Dr. Y . T. Shen. Dr. Ou Tsuin-chen flew to the United States via Europe with Mrs. Ou on 12th July. After spending some time with his son and daughter, he will proceed to Hawaii to attend the meetings of (he Board of Directors of the Council for the Study of Mankind and a Conference on Population and the Idea of Mankind. Dr. Ou has been elected a member of the Board of Governors of New Asia College. Mr . M.P. Lee, Principal of Pui Ching Middle School, and Rev. Matthew Fong, Deputy Director of Southeast Asia Y .M. C . A. Institute, have also been elected members of the Board of Governors of the College. Mr. Lee has been nominated by the Hong Kong Certificate of Education (Chinese) Board to replace Miss B.M. Kotewall, and Rev. Fong, by the Yale Club of Hong Kong to replace Dr. D . Y. Lin. 珍 亦 沈 Dr. Y . T. Shen — 1 2 —
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