Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 8 Apr–May 1971
New Development s o f Mass Communication s Centre an d Journalis m Departmen t With th e arriva l o f Prof . James C.Y. Shen, Visitin g Professor o f Journalis m an d Directo r o f th e Mas s Communications Centre, i n Januar y 197 1 th e Journalis m Department an d Mas s Communication s Centr e hav e surged ahead with vigour and vigilance. Efforts have bee n made t o initiat e ne w researc h project s in the Centr e and streamline th e curriculum o f th e Department . Prof, James C.Y. Shen Visiting Professor Prof. Jame s C.Y . She n receive d hi s B.A . degre e with honour s fro m St . John' s University , Shangha i an d his Ph.D . degre e fro m Missour i Universit y Schoo l o f Journalism. H e taugh t a t Co e College , Iow a fro m 195 3 to 1955 . Sinc e the n h e ha s bee n engage d b y th e Schoo l of Publi c Communication , Bosto n University , wher e h e holds th e positio n o f Professor of Journalism. At Bosto n University h e ha s taught , a t th e undergraduat e leve l newswriting, cop y desk , magazin e writin g an d editing , magazine publication , graphi c arts , an d law o f the press ; at th e graduat e level , pres s an d publi c affairs , pres s an d government, an d internationa l pres s problems . I n recen t years h e ha s bee n concerned primaril y with the graduat e programme, overseein g th e developmen t an d writin g o f M.S. theses, among other duties . Prof. She n ha s ver y rich experienc e i n newspape r reporting an d editing . H e serve d a s reporter , editor , and correspondent o f th e Centra l New s Agenc y o f Chin a from 194 3 t o 194 6 an d 194 7 t o 195 0 and was Reuters ' correspondent fro m 194 5 t o 1946 . H e worke d fo r th e Hartford Courant , Connecticut , i n the summer of 1957 . Prof. She n ha s writte n a numbe r o f article s o n graphic art s an d ha s reviewe d book s fo r th e Journalism Quarterly an d newspapers in the Boston area . Beside s his professional an d academi c achievement , Prof. Shen has a bent for literature. He has written three Englis h novelette s published in Japanese magazines . He has also contribute d a numbe r o f shor t storie s all having China as background in th e Yale Review, th e Antioch Review, th e Literary Review, an d th e Minnesota Review. Research Projects The Mas s Communication s Centr e fro m tim e t o time originate s an d direct s researc h project s relate d t o the mas s media . Unde r th e directorshi p o f Prof . Shen , with a vie w t o establishin g th e Centr e a s th e mos t complete researc h centr e i n Chines e journalism , th e emphasis i s no w place d o n th e stud y o f Chines e mas s media an d thei r related problems. Thus , six new project s have bee n planne d an d conducte d fo r th e yea r 197 1 t o 1972: 1) Mainlan d China' s Fil m Industr y i n th e Pas t Twenty Year s 2) A Case Book o n th e Lega l Problems o f th e Pres s in Hong Kong 3) A Content Analysis o f Thre e Papers — On e Eac h from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong - to Se e ho w New s i s Treate d an d Interprete d Differently 4) Compilation s o f Article s on Chinese Journalis m 5) Reminiscence s an d Memoir s b y Journalist s an d Journalism Teacher s 6) Acquisitio n o f Publication s o n Chines e Journalism “Mainland China' s Fil m Industr y i n th e Pas t Twenty Years" is an indepth study and objective appraisa l of th e developmen t o f Mainlan d China' s fil m industr y from 194 9 t o 1969 . Mr . Tin g Yu-Kwang , a n exper t i n Chinese affairs , ha s bee n appointe d Projec t Researc h Associate t o conduc t th e research . Prof . Frederic k T.C . Yu, Externa l Examine r i n Journalism and Member of th e Advisory Committe e o n Journalism Educatio n and Communica Research, has been appointe d Advise r o f th e project. The project began in March 197 1 an d is expecte d to be completed i n two years' time . "A Cas e Boo k o n th e Lega l Problem s o f th e Press in Hon g Kong " is a study involving licensing, censorship , libel, privacy , advertising , privilege , etc . Th e boo k wil l start with a general survey o f legal problems fo r the press in democratic countries , followe d by a description o f th e court syste m an d th e civi l an d crimina l procedure s i n Hong Kong . Whe n publishe d i t wil l giv e student s of journalis m an d member s o f th e professio n a bette r understanding o f Hon g Kon g law s whic h both safeguard and restric t thei r freedom . Hel p an d advic e hav e bee n solicited from the Hong Kong mass media, most o f whom - 6 -
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