Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 4 Nov 1971
幕揭像畫士爵堯祖員議關爲士博翰約高 Dr. John W. Cowee unveiling the portrait of the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan We at Marquette have been privileged indeed to know Dr. Kwan and Lady Kwan. We were pleased to receive them at our University, and into our community, and into our homes. As the years progressed we came to respect Dr. Kwan's many contributions to Hong Kong. More precisely, we hold in high regard his early vision and personal dedication to the concept which subsequently matured into The Chinese University of Hong Kong, an institution of higher learning through which your citizens benefit and through which the Chinese culture is enriched, therefore enriching, through exchange and preservation, the other cultures of the world. Earth was moved from these hills to provide a magnificent site from which your University reaches out to the intellects of present and future generations. Dr. Kwan, this Conference Hall, and your portrait within it , will provide stimulus and assurance to those whose heritage it will be to assume and perpetuate responsible stewardship of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The unveiling of your portrait, Dr. Kwan, gives expression of our deep sense of attachment to your University, to its stated purposes, and recognizes the singular quality of your personal efforts in its behalf. These efforts, as a minimum, have been legion. The bronze plate at the bottom of the portrait reads: "The Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan, C.B.E., LL.B., LL.D., J.P. First Chairman of the Council, The Chinese University of Hong Kong October 1963 — October 1971 Presented by Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U. S. A ." (See also pictures in Chinese section) New Counc il Cha i rman His Excellency the Chancellor has appointed Dr. the Hon. Kan Yuet-keung Chairman of the University Council for a period of four years with effect from 24th October, 1971. Dr. Kan was educated at the University of Hong Kong and after obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree, he proceeded to England to study law and was later admitted to bot h the courts in England and in Hong Kong. A very well-known solicitor, Dr. Kan is a member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, a senior partner of Messrs. Lo and Lo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of East Asia, and Chairman of Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Dr. Kan has been intimately associated with the University since its early days. His able leadership and imaginative vision guided Chung Chi College from its earliest years through the intricacies of legislation to become a member of the University. Dr. Kan was instrumental in drawing up the first constitution of the College and was ready with his advice over important questions such as the choice of site for its buildings and the purchase of its land. He was Chairman of the Board of Governors o f the College from 1964 to 1967, member of the University Council from 1964 to 1967, and has been a member again since 1968. The University conferred an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws on Dr. Kan in June 1968 in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the advancement of learning and t o the University. 20 t h An n i v e r s a ry of Ch u ng Ch i College Chung Chi College, throughout the autumn, has been quietly celebrating its 20th Anniversary. Symposia have been held on the Teaching of Science, on Chinese Music, on Hong Kong Culture, on the Hong Kong Economy, on Social Change and Education in Hong Kong and on the Church in Hong Kong. In addition, a number of concerts were held in the City Hall and the Chung Chi Chapel. Special Founders' Day events were held on 29th and 30th October with an assembly, an exhibit of photographs, - 5 -
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