Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
士 博 洋 妻 吾 Dr. Hiroshi Wagatsuma Dr. Wagatsuma has written numerous articles and books in Japanese, English and German, including the following: For the Understanding of Love (Psycho-analysis of Marital Life), Social Psychology of the Self, Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality (co-authorship with George Devos). Mr. Tong Duen-Ching, Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy, New Asia College Mr. Tong Duen-Ching graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Education o f New Asia College in 1953 and the Institute o f Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of the College in 1957. He obtained his M.A. degree from this University in 1967. From 1957 to 1963, he worked as an Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research. Before Mr. Tong was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy in September, 1967, he was a part-time lecturer in Philosophy at New Asia College. Mr. Tong has written a number of articles including the following: "A Treatise on Action and Nonaction in Meng Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu and Hsun Tzu", "A Preliminary Treatise on the Confucian Moralistic View of Religion", and "The Development of Pre-Ch'in Philosophers' Idea of Heaven-Man Relationship". (picture in Chinese section) M r . Frederick Chang, Assistant L i b r a r i a n , University Library Born in Hong Kong, Mr. Frederick Chang obtained his B.L.S. in 1964 and M.Ed, in 1966 from th University of Ottawa. After working as Reference Librarian at Mount Allision University from 1965 to 1967 he went to the United States to study at the Kansas State Teachers' College and obtained his M.L.S. degree in 1968. Before returning to Hong Kong to join this University in September, 1969 as a Cataloguer of western books, he was engaged as a Curriculum, Education/ Psychology Reference Librarian at Eastern Washington State College. On 1st June, 1970, Mr. Chang was promoted to the post of Assistant Librarian. (picture in Chinese section) C om i n gs a n d Go i n gs • Sir Christopher Cox, who until his recent retirement was Educational Adviser to the United Kingdom Ministry of Overseas Development, visited Hong Kong from 21st May to 7th June. He came to hold discussions with the two universities on behalf of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas. During his visit to this University from 1st to 7th June, he met with the Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee and the Deans of the three Faculties. Besides touring the Central Office and the campus site at Shatin, Sir Christopher also visited the three Foundation Colleges. • Sir Ewart Jones, Professor of Chemistry , University of Oxford, visited New Asia College and United College on 1st June. • Mr. T.C. Cheng, President o f United College, left Hong Kong on 15th June for West Germany to visit universities there at the invitation of the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD ). Among the many institutions President Cheng visited were the universities of Cologne, Bochum , Berlin, Munich, Konstanz and Heidelberg. Of the three Foundation Colleges of this University, United College is responsible for developing German studies within the University and ha s since 1964 had close and cordial relationships with German universities. President Cheng's present visit will further strengthen the ties between German and Hong Kong academic communities. President Cheng returned on 31st July. • Mr. Pan Chung-kwei, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Literature at the Institute of Advance d Chinese Studies and Research of New Asia College , attended the Third Asian Writers Conference on 15th June in Taipei as a representative of the — 1 1 —
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