Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 5 Feb–Mar 1973
• Rev. Franklin Woo, College Chaplain, Chung Chi College, attended the Seminar on "The Humanities and the Goals of Social Planning" held in Honolulu from 14th January to 3rd February. • Dr. Y.P. Mei, President of New Asia College, represented this University at a seminar on “The Social Responsibility of the University in Asian Countries: Obligations and Opportunities", sponsored by the International Association of Universities, held from 29th January to 2nd February at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. • Mr. Chen Min, Lecturer in Journalism at New Asia College, left for the United States to attend a conference on “Communication Research Needs: Urbanization and Communication", held at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii on 12th February. COLLEGE NEWS • Dr. L.S. Chuang, Lecturer in Physics, Chung Chi College, has been invited by the Faculty of Science of the Hong Kong University to serve as a local External Examiner for the degree of Master of Philosophy (1973). • Mr. Moil Tsung-san, Head of the Philosophy Department of New Asia College, gave a talk on “The Destiny of the Chinese Intellectuals" at the Monthly Meeting held on 12th January. • At the invitation of the Journalism Department of New Asia College, Mr. L.Z. Yuan, General Manager of the Sing Tao Newspapers Ltd. (Hong Kong), gave a talk on 16th January on "Why I Would Have Majored in Journalism If I Were 21 Years Old”. • The Chinese Society of Chung Chi College held a seminar on "Contemporary Syntax of the Chinese Language" on 17th January. • The Chinese Literature Departmental Club and the History Departmental Club of New Asia College jointly sponsored a seminar on Shih Chi, at which the following talks were given: 19th January “Shih Chi: A Historiographical Viewpoint" by Prof. Mou Jun-sun, Professor of Chinese History, New Asia College; 24th January “Shih Chi: A Literary Viewpoint" by Mr. Ho Pung, Lecturer in Chinese Literature, Chung Chi College; 26th January “Moral Consciousness and Chinese Literature — the Foundation of Shih Chi” by Mr. Hsu Foo-kuan, Part-time Lecturer in Chinese Literature, New Asia College. • Prof. Mou Jun-sun, Professor of Chinese History of New Asia College, spoke on “Methods of Studying Chinese Historiography" at the New Asia Research Institute's Colloquium on 28th January. • At the invitation of the Department of Biology of Chu Hai Cbllege, Dr. Chan Kwong-yu, Lecturer in Biology at New Asia College, gave a talk on “The Comparative Studies of Procaryotic Cells — Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae” on 4th January. • At the invitation of The Hong Kong Management Association, Mr. Cecil C. Luk and Dr. Tarn Kwok-chi, Lecturers in Business Administration, United College, attended a seminar on "Effect of ECC Expansion on Hong Kong Trade ”, held on 18th and 19th January. • In January Mr. Chang Chien-min, Head of the Department of Business Administration, United College, conducted a 3-session course on "Smaller Business Personnel Problems" at the invitation of The Hong Kong Management Association. • The Faculty of Commerce & Social Science of United College has organized a series of seminars on “Hong Kong as a Modern Society”. The first of the seminars, conducted on 9th February by Dr. Byron S. J. Weng, Lecturer of the Department of Government Sc Public Administration, concerned “The International Position of Hong Kong". • A t the invitation of the Department of Business Administration, United College, Mr. William C.C. Kung, Director of Studies, The Hong Kong Management Association, gave a talk on 16th February on "What Hong Kong employers expect from graduates in Business Administration". • A lecture on "Cultural Studies and Chinese Culture" , sponsored by the Student Union of New Asia College, was given by Prof. Huang Wen-shan of Chu Hai College on 17th February. • Mr. Luke S.K. Wong, Assistant Dean of Students, United College, gave a talk on 17th February at a General Meeting of the Conservancy Association on "Housing Needs in an Urban Environment”. Mr. Wong also gave a — 5 —
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