Bulletin Winter 1975
The University Health Service of the Chinese University is planned to meet the health needs of students, staff and their dependants through direct provision of services and cooperation with extra- university services. University Health Service An interim University medical scheme was introduced in July 1965, and the University Health Service was formally established in J a n u a ry 1970 with the appointment of a full-time Director and was temporarily housed in the Chung Chi College Clinic. With the opening of the University Health Centre in September 1971 and the recruitment of more professional personnel, the Health Centre came into full operation. The services offered include consultations, 24-hour emergency care, infirmary care, dental examinations and consultations, periodic physical examination, and coordination of access to diagnostic laboratory and x-ray services, referral to appropriate specialists and treatment centres when necessary, and admission to hospitals. With the exception of the dental service and home visits, there is no charge for any of the clinical services provided directly by the University Health Service. University Health Centre The University Health Centre is a gift of the Yale-in-Ghina Association (now Yale-China Association), as a testimony of seventy years of friendship with the Chinese people. It is a two-storey building with an out-patient clinic, minor surgery, laboratory, x-ray suite, dispensary, dental suite, consultants' room, and infirmary with rooms for 11 beds. Its facilities are specially designed for the carrying out of preventive care, health education and personal medical services. Extracts of Report 1974/75 General out-patient visits totalled 23,879 compared to 22,491 of the previous year, representing an increase of 6.2%. Attendances by undergraduate students were up 12.1%, which corresponds closely with the rise in enrolment of 12.3%. During the year, 11,642 visits were made by 2,771 undergraduates for consultations, representing a consultation rate of 4.2 visits per student and a student utilisation rate to the extent of 90% of the total undergraduate student population. Dental visits totalled 5,275 consultations. (See Table I below.) 15 University Health Service
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