Bulletin Number One 1985
Gi f ts and Donat ions As a manifestation of their confidence in this University development , local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's physical development programme, research projects , publication project, fellowship and scholarship schemes , and have presented the University with equipment and antiques. The University has recently received thefollowing gifts and donations: (1) From the American Women's Association of HK Ltd. a donation of HK$2,700 for a scholarship in Social Work for 1984-85. (2) From Caterpillar Far East Ltd. an annual donation of HK$2,500 with effect from 1984- 85 for a scholarship in Business Administration. (3) From the Chase Manhattan Bank NA a donation of HK$8,000 for the Chase Manhattan Bank Scholarship for 1984-85. (4) From Dataproducts Components (HK) Ltd. an annual donation of HK$10,000 with effect from 1984-85 for four scholarships in Electronics. (5) From Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. a scholarship of HK$6,000 for a student of the MBA Programmes for 1984-85. (6) From Duty Free Shoppers Ltd. a scholarship of HK$6,000 for a student of the MBA Programmes for 1984-85. (7) From Exxon Chemical Asia Pacific Ltd. a donation of HK$ 16,000 for two scholarships for the MBA Programmes for 1984-85. (8) From Health Medical Diagnostic Centre Ltd. an annual donation of HK$2,700 for six prizes to students of the Faculty of Medicine. (9) From the Japan Foundation a donation of HK$431,000 for a Staff Expansion Project at the Japanese Studies Section for three academic years from 1984-85. (10) From John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd. an annual donation of HK$60,000 for six scholarships for three years with effect from 1984-85. (11) From Kiangsu & Chekiang Residents (HK) Association a donation of HK$80,000 for scholarships and bursaries to the School of Education for 1984-85. (12) From Mrs. Lina Leung a donation of HK$ 12,000 for setting up the ‘Lee Chu Ho Memorial Scholarship' at HK$3,000 per annum for four years for a medical student. (13) From Ning Po Residents Association (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK$14,000 towards the 'Ning Po Residents Association T.Y. Tung Memorial Bursaries' for 1984-85. (14) From the Overseas Alumni Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong a donation of US$200 for a scholarship for 1984-85. (15) From San Miguel Brewery Ltd. an annual donation of HK$40,000 with effect from 1984-85 for four San Miguel Scholarships for the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Science and Social Science. (16) From the Society of Community Medicine in Hong Kong an annual donation of HK$800 for a prize to students in Community Medicine. (17) From Squibb (Far East) Ltd. an annual donation of HK$10,000 for four Squibb Prizes to students of the Faculty of Medicine. (18) From Dr. Y.L. Yong an annual donation of HK$500 for the ‘Margaret Yuen-ming Pun Memorial Prize in Paediatrics', beginning from 1985. (19) From Younger Managers' Club a donation of HK$5,000 for a Younger Managers' Club — Barclays Bank Scholarship for the Three-year MBA Programme for 1984. (20) From Arthur Anderson & Co. a donation of HK$9,600 for the publication of the second edition of For First Job Seekers. (21) From Boots Company a donation of HK$4,000 in support of research activities of the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (22) From Hong Kong Surgical Society a donation of HK$6,434.50 in support of the research and general activities of the Department of Surgery. (23) From Lee Foundation a donation of HK$36,000 for the first of three annual grants in support of research at the Institute of Chinese Studies in 1984-85. GIFTS AND DONATIONS 31
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