Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 1 Sep 1970
In mid-September Dr. L i will be in Ottawa to attend the Conference of Overseas Vice-Chancellors and Principals, sponsored by the Inter- University Council for Higher Education Overseas ( l UC ) . The Conference will be attended by 40 vice-chancellors from various parts of the Commonwealth, 10 representatives of educational institutions and foundations in the United Kingdom, 10 representatives of educational institutions and foundations in the United States, and 6 representatives of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Dr. L i will be chairing two sessions in the discussion on "Partners in Development" and will be one of the introductory speakers on "Regional Cooperation". Dr. L i was elected a member of the Steering Committee of five for this Conference at the last l UC Conference, which was held at Malta from 8th to 13th April, 1969. Pub l i c Lec t u r es The University sponsored a public lecture on "Initial Consonants in Archaic Chinese" held on 25th August, 1970 at the City Hall. The lecture was delivered by a linguist of world renown, Prof. Fang-Kuei Li. Prof. Li, now Professor of Linguistics at the University of Hawaii, is an expert in American Indian, Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan and Malayo- Polynesian languages. He is a member of the Advisory Board on Humanities of the University. Prof. Chou Fa-Kao, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature and Director of the Chinese Linguistics Research Centre, presided over the lecture. On 27th August, 1970 a public chemistry lecture on "Observations on the Optical Properties of Solutions of Metal Coordination Complexes with Resolved Species — T h e Pfeiffer Effect" was held at the Rotunda of New Asia College. The lecture was given by a distinguished scholar in Chemistry, Prof. Robert C. Brasted, Director of General Chemistry Programme of the University of Minnesota. During Prof. Brasted's brief stay in Hong Kong, he visited the three Foundation Colleges and the Central Office of the University. Semi na rs on A d u l t Ed u c a t i on a nd E x t r amu r a l As s emb ly One of the most distinguished teachers of Adult Education in the United States, Prof. Cyril O. Houle, Professor of Education, University of Chicago, visited the Department of Extramural Studies on 6th August, 1970. He conducted a brief seminar on University Adult Education during his visit. 説 演 部 修 進 外 校 在 授 敎 理侯 Prof. Cyril O. Houle delivering a talk, at the Department of Extramural Studies Another Seminar on Adult Education, sponsored by the Department of Extramural Studies, was held at the Shui Hing Building. The one- week Seminar began on 10th August, 1970 and was attended by the officials of Adult Education section of the Education Department, the Deputy Director of the Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Hong Kong, the personnel management and training officers of Hang Seng Bank Ltd., lecturers of the School of Education, and staff tutors and instructors of the Department of Extramural Studies of the University. The Seminar was conducted by Prof. Jack London, Professor of Adult Education of the University of California, Berkeley, who came to Hong Kong at the invitation of the Department of Extramural Studies. Prof. London is one of the few internationally known educators in Adult Education. His writings and research have won widespread recognition in America. Various aspects of adult education were discussed in the Seminar, including the objective of adult education, recruitment of tutors and instructors, counselling services, the need of adult education in Hong Kong, as well as personal enrichment and career. — 6 —
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