Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the follow ing gifts and donations in support o f its programmes and projects: (1) From Multipurpose Investment Ltd., a subsi diary o f the Sino Land Group, an annual dona tion o f HK$5,000,000 for four years to set up a research and development fund at the Univer sity. (2) From Kai Yue Cheong Limited HK$ 1,800,000 towards the construction cost o f the Kwok Sports Building (a squash centre). (3) From Shell Hong Kong Ltd. HK$60,000 for the construction o f a spectators stand by three tennis courts on the campus. (4) From Coopers and Lybrand an annual donation o f HK$10,000 to provide a scholarship for a business administration student concentrating in accountancy. (5) From Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. an annual donation o f HK$10,000 to provide a scholar ship for a second-year student o f the Two-year M BA Programme. (6) From Duty Free Shoppers Hong Kong an annual donation o f HK$10,000 to provide a scholarship fo r a second-year student o f the Two-year M BA Programme. (7) From external examiners o f the Faculty o f Medicine an annual donation o f HK$600 to provide a prize for a medical student. (8) F rom Hong Kong In s titu te o f Personnel Management an annual donation o f HK$4,000 to provide a scholarship for a business admin istration student concentrating in organization and management. (9) From the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation US$140,000 for the establishment o f a scholarship scheme to provide eight scholarships for students from China admitted to the Two-year M BA Programme from 1992 to 1997. (10) From the Hong Kong Society o f Community Medicine an annual donation o f HK$1,000 to provide a prize for medical students. (11) From IBM China/Hong Kong Corporation HK$12,500 to provide a scholarship for a com puter science student in 1991-92. (12) From the Incorporated Trustees o f the Wah Kiu Yat Po Fund for the Relief o f Underprivileged Children HK$33,200 to provide four scholar ships o f $8,300 each fo r academically out standing students o f the Department o f Jour nalism and Communication in 1990-91. (13) From Overseas Trust Bank Ltd. an annual dona tion o f HK$6,000 to provide a scholarship for a fourth-year business administration student. (14) From Procter & Gamble Hong Kong Limited HK$30,000 to provide two scholarships o f $15,000 each for second-year students o f the Two-year M BA Programme in 1991-92. (15) From Roche Asian Research Foundation: (a) HK$1,000 towards an endowment fund, which provides annually a cash prize o f $500 in psychiatry to a medical student; and (b) HK$15,561 fo r a research project under taken by the Department o f Paediatrics. (16) From Rotary Club o f Shatin HK$10,000 to provide 10 scholarships o f $1,000 each for students o f the Department o f Journalism and Communication in 1991-92. (17) From Mr. Wong Hon-tong a further donation o f HK$2,000 towards an endowment fund, which provides annually a cash prize o f $ 1,000 in orthopaedics and traumatology for a medical student. (18) From Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Ltd. a further donation o f HK$1,000 towards an endowment fund, which provides a language prize and a number o f book prizes for students who have good performances in the jo in t ex amination on Cantonese phonology for fresh men. Gifts and Donations 32
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