Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997
A Cu t Ab o v e t he O t h e r s : Nine CUHK Business S t u d e n t s W i n Three Major Ch amp i o n s h i p s i n T h r ee Mo n t h s DESIGNERS OF THE BEST BUSINESS F our students from the University's Faculty of Business Administration defeated teams from the Universit y of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Lingnan College on 30th November 1996 to seize the championship of the Inter- University Business Strategy Competition for the second consecutive year. The competition was organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Business Students (HKFBS). The contestants had to imagine that they were the vice-president of a Canadian chocolate company that had its eyes on the Mexican market. They had to either devise strategies of their own or choose one of the two strategies offered by the HKFBS: sell their products through Mexican retailers or through the retail network of a soft drinks company. In the first round of the competition, eight teams from different local tertiary Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 1997 16
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