Bulletin Autumn 1976
Interview with Director of I ASP Professor S.S. Hsueh Professor S.S. Hsueh, a graduate of Yenching University , obtained his Licence ès Science Politique from the University of Geneva and Doctorat ès Science Politique from its Graduate Institute of International Studies, and joined this University in 1966. Professor Hsueh has also taught or conducted research in the University of Hong Kong, Oxford University, the University of The Philippines , and Nanyang University in Singapore , where he served as Vice-Chancellor from 1972 to 1975 on secondment. He is currently Dean of the Faculty of Social Science , Chairman of the Board of Studies in Government and Public Administration, and Director of the International Asian Studies Programme. Q. What is the prime motivating purpose of launching such a programme as the lASP? A. The Chinese University of Hong Kong has always emphasized its international character in line with the cosmopolitan nature of Hong Kong and with the modern concept of a university which needs to be constantly exposed to major cultural traditions and trends in the world. One distinctive educational goal of the University is to seek a meaningful integration of Chinese and Western cultural and intellectual traditions. In that spirit, the University has been promoting Chinese culture through instruction, research and public service. Over
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