Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994
Gi fts and Donations The University has recently recieved from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) From Shun Hing Group a pledged donation of HK$18,000,000 for the establishment of the Shun Hing Research and Development Fund. (2) From the Association of Senior Staff Course Alumni HK$10,000 annually to provide a scholarship for a student ofeither the Two-year or the Three-year MBA Programme. (3) FromDHL International (HK) Ltd. HK$20,000 to provide a scholarship for a student of either the Two-year or the Three-year MBA Programme in 1994-95. (4) From Du Pont China Limited HK$16,000 to provide a scholarship for an electronic engineering student in 1993-94. (5) FromEpson Foundation HK$ 16,000 annually for three years to provide a scholarship for an information engineering student. (6) From Friends of the Art Gallery: (a) HK$5,000 to provide an outstanding thesis award for a postgraduate student in fine arts; (b) HK$20,000 to sponsor a summer work-study programme for fine arts students; and (c) HK$250,000 towards the acquisition fund of the Art Gallery. (7) From the Incorporated Trustees of Chiap Hua Cheng's Foundation HK$420,000: (a) to provide a graduate fellowship of $ 15,000 for aPh.D. candidate in electronic engineering in 1993—94; (b) to provide 15 scholarships of $17,000 each for outstanding students; (c) to provide 20 bursaries of $5,000 each for undergraduates who are in financial need; and (d) to set up a student campus work scheme of $50,000. (8) From Information Technology Management Club HK$6,500 to provide a scholarship for a second- year student in computer science in 1993—94. (9) From Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation HK$12,000 annually to provide two scholarships of $6,000 each for students in music in 1993—94. (10) From the following donors to provide a scholarship for a postgraduate student in 1993-94: (a) Mr. C.L. Kung HK$2,000; and (b) Dr. Francis K. Pan HK$2,000. (11) From Sing Tao Foundation HK$20,000 annually to provide four scholarships of $5,000 each for academically outstanding students of the Department of Journalism and Communication. (1 2) From Soma International Ltd. HK$30,000 annually to provide a number of loans for needy students. (13) From Standard Chartered Bank HK$37,500 annually to provide three scholarships of $12,500 each for students of the Faculty of Business Administration. (14) FromMr. TseMan Shing HK$3,000 to provide a scholarship for an academically outstanding student of New Asia College in 1993-94. (15) FromT.Y. WongFoundationHK$11,000 annually for three years to provide four awards for students of the Management for Executive Development Programme. (16) From Younger Managers' Club HK$7,350 to provide a scholarship for sponsoring a second- year student ofthe Two-year MBA Programme to participate in the Club's August 1993 study tour to Shanghai and Dalian. (17) From H.K. Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. HK$138,000 for the publication ofa festschrift in honour of Prof. Jao Tsung-i. (18) FromMr. RichardHui HK$10,000 for the printing of the catalogue for 'The Ar t of Li Jian and Xie Lansheng' exhibition held by the Art Gallery. (19) FromModern Educational Research Society Ltd. HK$ 100,000 for the publication of Cross-cultural Transplants: Western Social Science Theories in Chinese Societies, edited by Prof. C.Y. To. (20) From Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong HK$78,000 for the printing ofthe catalogue for an exhibition on Chinese lacquer organized by the Art Gallery. (21) From Bristol-Myers Squibb (Hong Kong) Ltd.: (a) HK$50,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Surgery; and (b) HK$10,000 to sponsor an international symposium on myocardial infarction organized by the Department of Medicine. (22) Fromthe following donors to sponsor renal research activities undertaken by the Department of Gifts and Donations 42
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