Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994
Profiles Dr. Peter Chi-Keung Cheung Lec t u r e r ,Department of Biology Dr. Peter Ch e u ng g r adua t ed f r o m the Un i v e r s i ty o f Ho ng K o n g w i t h a B . Sc. (Honours) degree i n chemi s t r y, ob t a i ned his master degree in food and drug chem- i s t ry f r om the Un i - versity o f New South Wales i n Australia in 1987, and completed his Ph.D. studies i n carbohydrate chemistry in 1990. He had been engaged in carbohydrate research i n the Food Research Laboratory o f the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organizatio n i n Sydney before he joined The Chinese University as lecturer in b i o l ogy i n January 1994. Dr. Cheung is a chartered chemist and a member o f the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Australian Institute o f Food Science and Technology. Dr. Cheung is interested in both basic and applied research on carbohydrates. The focus o f his basic research is the structure o f plant ce ll w a l l : the i s o l a t i on, p u r i f i c a t i on and s t r u c t u r al e l u c i d a t i on o f c e l l - w a ll poly-saccharides. I n the area o f applied research, his ma in interest is i n food carbohydrates: the preparation, functional properties, analysis, and nutritional evaluation o f dietary fibre (non- starch polysaccharides) and food hydrocolloids (soluble polysaccharides). He is experienced in food technology, especially the value-added processing o f grain legumes. Instrumental and chemical analysis o f food composition also forms part o f his academic pursuits. He is married, and has two children. He likes playing soccer, bridge and Chinese chess. Dr. Lin Hui Lecturer,Department of Geography Dr. L i n Hui joined Th e Chinese University o f Hong Kon g in August 1993 and c u r r e n t ly teaches courses on remote sensing, geographic i n f o rma t i on sys t em ( G I S) and c a r t og r aphy i n the Department o f Geography. His major research interests are GIS design, integration o f GIS, remote sensing and spatial/temporal modelling, visualization o f multi-dimension geographic data, and multi-media investment environment i n f o rma t i on systems. Dr. L i n graduated from Wuhan Technical University o f Surveying and Mapping in China in 1980, majoring in aerial photogrammetry engineering. He obtained his M.Sc. in remote sensing from the Chinese Academy o f Sciences in 1983, and his M A and Ph.D. degrees from the State University o f New York ( SUNY) at Buffalo i n 1987 and 1992 respectively. Before j o i n i ng The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, Dr. L i n worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Great Lakes Program conducted by the Engineering Schoo l o f SUNY at Buffalo and Profiles 31
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