Bulletin Number Three 1985
Seminars • Exhibitions * The Department of Government & Public Administration presented: - A public lecture on ‘Complicated Injustice' by Dr. Richard Gambitta, a visiting scholar sponsored by the Fulbright Foundation and Visiting Senior Lecturer of the Department, on 11th April. — A seminar on ‘Some Aspects of the Mediation/ Arbitration of Grievance and Interest Disputes' by Mr. Gerald R. McKay, Attorney at Law/Arbitrator from U.S.A., on 24th April. * The Department of Marketing and International Business organized a lecture on 'Chinese Trade and Financial Market' by Mr. John Chu, Vice-President and General Manager of PRC Office, Bank of America, on 15th April. * Professor Chen Nianyi of Academia Sinica, spoke on ‘Pattern Recognition Applied to Chemistry' on 18th April. The Seminar was organized by the Department of Chemistry. * Professor Gu Chaohao , Vice-President, Fudan University, China, spoke on ‘Extremal Surfaces in Minkowski Space R 2 + 1 , on 1st May. The seminar was organized by the Department of Mathematics. * Professor Ye Chun-sheng, Professor of Management Engineering Department, South China Institute of Technology and Vice-President of Management Research Association, China, spoke on 'Some Aspects of the Development of Individual Economics in China Based on Findings of Surveys in Guangzhou' on 3rd May. The seminar was jointly organized by the United College and the Department of General Business Management & Personnel Management. * The Institute of Chinese Studies presented the following seminars: —'Archaeological Survey in Turfan, Sinkiang' by Professor Huang Shengzhang, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica, on 9th May. 一 'The Story of Peking Man and His Culture' by Professor Jia Lanpo, Research Fellow, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica, on 14th May. * Mr. Cui Zhijin, Department of Geography, Beijing University, spoke on 'The Elevation of Tibetan Plateau and Its Impact on the Natural Environment' on 20th May. The seminar was organized by the Department of Geography. * The Department of Psychiatry presented a public lecture on ‘The Role of the General Medical Council in Medical Education'by Professor Arthur Hamilton Crisp, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the General Medical Council in the U.K., and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, St. George's Hospital, Medical School of the University of London, on 6th June. * The Department of Chemistry organized a seminar on 'State-to-State and State-Selected Charge Exchange Reaction Dynamics' by Dr. C.Y. Ng, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, U.S.A., on 7th June. * The Department of Mathematics presented a talk on 'Stiefel-Whitney Classes of Real Representations' by Dr. Charles Thomas, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, and Fellow and Director of Studies in Pure Mathematics of Robinson College, University of Cambridge, U.K., on 7th June. * The Art Gallery stages the following exhibitions: —'Graduation Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department' from 22nd May to 3rd June. - ' A n c i e nt Chinese Bronzes' from 14th June to 11th September. In the exhibition, bronze vessels, mirrors, weapons, seals and ornaments are displayed alongside explanatory panels and figures which aim at illustrating the various aspects of the art of Chinese bronzes. The exhibits are from the collection of the Art Gallery and private collections in Hong Kong. 26 CULTURAL EVENTS
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