Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1993

Two G u a r d ia n s o f Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n — Academic Exchange a n d Research Both academ ic exchange and research are indispensable fo r m aintaining the academ ic standard o f a un ive rsity and im p ro vin g the q u a lity o f education it offers. A ll th rough the past 30 years, therefore, The Chinese U n ive rsity has striven to create an environm ent con ducive to academ ic exchange, and has actively encouraged the creation o f new know ledge through research. A ca dem ic L in ks The U n ive rsity is lin k e d to the in te r national academ ic com m unity through a large num ber o f student and sta ff ex­ change programmes. S tu d e n t E x c h a n g e The firs t student exchange programm e was launched in 1965 w ith the U niver­ s ity o f C a lifo rn ia at Berkeley. Since then, un ive rsity-leve l student exchanges have been established w ith some 30 te rtia ry in stitu tions in the UK, USA, Canada and Japan. Examples include the U niversity o f C alifornia at Los Angeles, New Y o rk U n ive rsity, the U n ive rs ity o f B ritish Colum bia, the U niversity o f Toronto, London Business School, Soka U niversity and Tsukuba U niversity. T h ro u g h these exchange p ro ­ grammes, students o f this u n ive rsity ob­ ta in first-hand experience o f liv in g and studying in a d iffe re n t cu ltu ra l en viron ­ ment, and gain w id e r exposure to new perspectives and new know ledge. S t a f f E x c h a n g e S taff exchange programmes have been m aintained w ith a num ber o f French, UK, and German universities through arrangem ents w ith th e ir re sp e ctive governm ents and exchange bodies. The U niversity's constituent colleges have also enjoyed long and close associa tions w ith renow ned institu tion s lik e the Yale-China Association, the W ellesley- Yenching Comm ittee, P rinceton-in-Asia, W illiam s College, and Indiana U n ive r sity. The U n ive rsity is also a m em ber o f th e A sso c ia tio n o f C om m o nw e a lth Universities, the Association o f South east Asian Institutes o f H ighe r Learning, and the In te rn a tio n a l A ssociation o f U niversities, a ll o f w h ich o ffe r sta ff developm ent programmes and organize international conferences fo r know ledge and experience exchange. Academ ic exchange agreement reached w ith the University o f C alifornia in 1965 A n exchange student fro m CUHK (rig h t 4) w ith Germ an a n d Am erican students in Osrabru ch, Germany 23