Bulletin Number One 1986

Gifts and Donations As a manifestation of their confidence in this University's development , local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's research projects , fellowship and scholarship schemes, and have presented the University with equipment. The University has recently received the following gifts and donations: (1) From Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. a scholarship of HK$6,000 for a student of the MBA Programme in 1985-86. (2) From Du Pont Asia Pacific Ltd. an annual scholarship of HK$14,000 from 1985-86 for a third-year student of Electronics. (3) From Kiangsu & Chekiang Residents (HK) Association a donation of HK$80,000 for scholarships and student loans to students of the School of Education in 1985-86. (4) From an anonymous donor HK$100,000 for the promotion of research at the Department of Surgery. (5) From Cow & Gate Ltd. a donation of HK$ 12,000 in support of a research on maternal health and nutrition carried out by Dr. Terence Lao of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Dr. C.W.K. Lam of the Department of Chemical Pathology. (6) From East-West Center a donation of HK$7,788 for the development of research on Chinese Minority Nationalities conducted by the Department of Anthropology. (7) From Mr. Fung Yee-Chiu a donation of HK$10 , 000 to the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery for research purposes. (8) From Mr. Hong Sin Chung a donation of HK$6,000 in support of the research activities of Dr. Patrick Ho of the Department of Surgery. (9) From Miss Virginia Lau Mei-kuen a donation of HK$2,500 in support of the research activities at the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (10) From Mr. and Mrs. Markbreiter a donation of HK$20,000 to the Department of Surgery for research and educational purposes. (11) From the May & Baker HK Ltd. a donation of HK$5,000 in support of the research activities at the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (12) From Science International Corporation HK a donation of US$500 to the Department of Chemical Pathology for research and general purposes. (13) From Shell Metal-Tech Co. Ltd. a donation of HK$20,000 to the Department of Microbiology as research and travel fund. (14) From Mr. Wong Wah-Jem a donation of HK$2 , 000 in support of the research activities of the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (15) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden a donation of HK$6,000 to sponsor a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medicine to attend the First Asian Pacific Conference on Doppler and Echocardiography in Tokyo. (16) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation a donation of HK$3,042 to sponsor a Research Associate of the Art Gallery to go to Beijing for celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Palace Museum. (17) From Charles Yeung Clement Lam and Co. a donation of HK$ 10,000 to sponsor three scholars from China to attend the Fifth Conference on Chinese Legal System and National Construction at this University. (18) From Mediatech Audiovisual Co. a donation of HK$3,000 to sponsor the Seminar on Education Technology in Education and Training. (19) From the Ming Yu Cultural Foundation a donation of HK$232,500 to New Asia College. (20) From the Squibb (Far East) Ltd. a donation of HK$5,500 in support of a public lecture organized by the Department of Medicine. (21) From various donors a sum of HK$ 1,200,033 to Chung Chi College from 1st May to 31st August, 1985. (22) From Milupa AG two units of nebulizers to the Department of Paediatrics. (23) From Shell Electric MFG (Holdings) Co. Ltd. eight ceiling fans to New Asia College.