Bulletin Number Two 1982

Gifts & Donations As a manifestation of their confidence in this University's development, local and overseas individuals an d foundations have donated generously to support the University's physical development programme, research projects, publication projects, fellowship and scholarship schemes, etc. The University receive d the following gifts and donations in the past few months. Research Projects (1) From the Trustees of Lingnan University a further grant of US$57,000 to the Programme of Research and Teaching on the Chinese Society conducted by the Department of Sociology and the Social Research Centre. (2) From the following person/organization donations to the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Fund: (a) Mr. W. C. Lin a donation of HK$100 , 000. (b) The D. H. Chen Foundation a donation of HK$50,000. (3) From the Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong- K. N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund a donation of approximately HK$80,000 for research projects for the summer 1982 and the academi c year 1982/83. (4) From the Hong Kong Government a donation of HK$50,000 to the Public Affairs Researc h Centre for carrying out a research project on the needs and aspirations of the Kowloon City residents on community building aspects. (5) From the Bei Shan Tang Foundatio n a donation of HK$30,000 in support of a Part-time Research Assistant of the Centre for Chinese Archaeology & Art for the period from 1st August, 1982 to 31st July, 1983. (6) From the Research Team on Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival of Sophia University, Japan, a donation of HK$21,877.02 in support of the research project on the Study of Traditional Cultures o f Cantonese, Hakka, Hoklo and Chao-chow in Hong Kong. (7) From Mr. Liu Ching-leung, the First Vice- Chairman of the New Territories Heung Yee Kuk, and other members of the Kuk , a donation of HK$20,000 in support of a research project by Dr. David Faure, Lecturer i n History, on the Oral History of Sheung Shui, Nort h District. (8) From Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd. a grant of HK$20,000 in support of a research project on Chinese vocabulary of primary school pupils to be undertaken b y Dr. P. K. Siu, Senior Lecturer in Education. (9) From the University of Wester n Ontario a grant of HK$ 12,000 in support of the research project on Solid-state Physics by Professor B. Y. Tong. (10) From Professor John F. Jones a grant of HK$2,000 to the Social Work Departmental Research Fund. (11) From Mr. Liu Yun Sum and others a donation of HK$ 1,000 for the Oral Histor y Project. Publication Project (12) From the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation a donation of HK$30,000 to finance the publication of the second edition of Graduate Careers Handbook. Fellowships & Scholarships (13) From Mrs. Ko Wong Shun-yin a donation of HK$30,000, in memory of her lat e husband Mr. Ko Hung, to set up an endowment fund. 36 GIFTS & DONATIONS