Bulletin Number Two 1982
No stranger to The Chinese University, Professor Chu has in the past seven years served as External Examiner of the Department of Journalism and Communication, helped launch the graduate programme in communication, and visite d the Department a couple of times. Colleagues and students have long been acquainted with his research and teaching. Joining the University is but a formalization and continuation of this congenial relationship. Whether at Stanford University, the University of Victoria, Southern Illinois University, or th e East-West Communication Institute, h e has impressed his students and colleagues b y hard work and soft talk. He does not come to his office at seven o'clock in the morning, nor does he leave at seven in the evening. But through the magic coordination of his brain and fingers, many a research project has been launched and completed. And there is every indication that this tradition will be continued at the University. In spite of his heavy load o f duties, Professor Chu still finds time to excel in swimming an d playing ping-pong. A dip in the pool in the afternoon and a swat at the table in the evening are his favorite pastimes. On top of all these, he is very much at home with the graceful tai-chi chuan. Exercise has made him look much younge r than his age. To the envy of many, he maintains a slim and healthy body. Other than his academic achievements, Professor Chu has a wife who excels in opera singing, a daughter who prospers in business, and another daughter and a son who major in medicine. 一 Leonard L. Chu Professor David Davies Professor David Davies started his studies in Medicine at the University of Wales in Cardiff in 1960 and collected an intercalated B.Sc. Degree in Human Anatomy with Honours in 1963. He the n proceeded to clinical studies at the Welsh National School of Medicine until he graduated as an M.B., B.Ch. in 1966 with distinctions in Medicine and Surgery. After appointments in Wales (Cardiff Royal Infirmary , Cardiff Maternity Hospital, and Llandough Hospital), Oxford (Churchill Hospital) , Bristol (Southmead Hospital), and London (Hospital for Sick Children), acquiring in the meantime his D. Obst. R.C.O.G. (1968 ), M.R.C.P. (1970) and D.C.H . (1971 ), he returned to his alma mater in 1972 to serve as Lecturer in Child Health. In addition to teaching duties and clinical work as Senior Registrar, he managed to undertake vigorous research in growth and nutrition i n low birth weight infants, for which he was awarded an M.D . in 1976. Since then, he joined the University of Leicester as Senior Lecturer in Child Health, where he played a major role in building up a neonatal unit at the Leicester Royal Infirmary Maternity Hospital. His research interests have centred on growt h and development, nutrition and neonatology. In 1978 , he was recognized by the British Paediatric Association as an international expert on growth by awarding him the Guthrie Medal, which is given to "the most outstanding research worker in Paediatrics who is less than 35 years of age". He obtained his F.R.C.P. in 1980. Professor Davies, also a musician specializing in the piano, has a family o f four, consisting of a wife and two children. Rupert Chan Professor Arthur Li Professor Arthur K. C. Li is a ‘product' of Hong Kong and a member of a distinguished family . Having graduated from St. Paul's Co-educational College, he went to England fo r further studies and was admitted to King's College, Cambridge to read medicine. However, the course he took at that time was Natural Sciences Tripos; hence though he specialized in Pathology in Part I I o f the course, he was awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree. He completed his clinical studies at the Middlesex Hospital, London and graduated in 1969 with M.B., B.Chir. (Hons.). After house appointments at Addenbrook's Hospital, Cambridge and Middlesex Hospital, London, Professor Li underwent rotational surgica l training and obtained his F.R.C.S. in 1973 . He then worked at St. Mary's Hospital, London , and was subsequently appointed Senior Surgical Registrar and Lecturer in Surgery at the Royal Free Hospital, London . In 1977 , Professor Li was lured to cross the Atlantic by the award of a Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation Research Fellowship at Harvard University, Boston, U.S.A.; and subsequently worked as a Clinical Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. In 1979 he was appointed onto the surgical staff of Harvard University and Massachusett s General Hospital. By 1980 Professor Li's wanderlust led him back from the New World to Ol d England and he was appointed Consultant Surgeon and Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the Royal Free Hospital, London. Professor Li is a general surgeon with particular interest in hepatobiliary, pancreas, colonic and vascular surgery. His research interests have centred PROFILES 33
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