Bulletin Number Four 1985
Seminars Professor Samuel C.C. Ting conducting a seminar * The Department o f Physics organized: — A lecture on 'Kondo Problem' by Professor John Lowenstein, Professor o f New York University, on 24th June. — A seminar on 'The Search fo r the Funda mental Building Blocks o f Nature' by Professor Samuel C.C. Ting, Professor o f Physics, Massachusett Institute o f Tech nology, on 19th August. — A seminar on ‘Optical Ellipsometry Studies on the Muscle D iffraction Signal' by Pro fessor Yeh Y in o f the Department o f Applied Science , University o f California at Davis, on 30th August. * Professor A.F. Pillow, Professor o f Applied Mathematics, University o f Queensland, Australia, spoke on 'Basic Conservation Principles in Viscous Fluid Flow' on 27th June. The seminar was jo in tly organized by the Departments o f Mathematics and Physics. * Professor Ray Elling, Professor o f Sociology and Community Medicine, University o f Connecticut, USA and Chairperson o f the Research Committee on Medical Sociology, International Sociological Association, spoke on 'Health and Social Develop ment: A Cross-National Perspective' on 2nd July. The seminar was jo in tly organized by the Department o f Sociology and the Centre for Hong Kong Studies. * The Department o f Chemistry organized the following seminars: — ‘Carbene Complexes and Natural Product Synthesis' by Dr. K.H. D ö tz, Anorganisch- Chemisches Institut, Technische Universit ä t, M ü nchen, on 3rd July. — 'Teaching and Doing Chemistry on Micro computers' by Professor Chung Chieh , University o f Waterloo, Canada, on 22nd August. — ‘Biological Antioxidants' by Professor K.U. Ingold, Division o f Chemistry, National Research Council, Canada, on 23rd August. — 'Organic Solid State Chemistry' by Professor J.M. Thomas, University o f Cambridge, England, on 30th August. — 'Synthesis and Reactions o f Alpha-Dihalo Esters o f the Type: RFCX2O2R(R=haloalkyl); the Possible Intermediate Formation o f Alcohols, RFCX2OH' by Professor Neal O. Brace, Professor o f Chemistry, Wheaton College, USA , on 6th September. * Dr. Andrew Broderick o f the Department o f Biotechnology, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand, spoke on 'Biotechnology in New Zealand' on 16th August. The seminar was presented by the Depart ment o f Biology. * The Department o f Economics presented a seminar on 'Supervision, Incentives, and the Optimal Scale o f a Farm in a Socialist Economy' by Mr. Justin Lin o f Beijing University and the University o f Chicago on 19th August. * The School o f Education and the Association o f Psychological and Educational Counsellors o f Asia, Hong Kong Branch, jo in tly presented the following seminars by Professor C.H. Patterson, Professor Emeritus o f the University o f Illinois, and Distinguished Visiting Professor o f the University o f North Carolina, USA: (1) Training and Supervision in Counselling on 24th August; (2) Crisis in the Classroom on 26th August; (3) New Trends in Careers Counselling on 7th September; and (4) Humanistic Educators on 8th September. 30 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS
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