Bulletin Number Two 1984
Personalia (From mid-February to m id-April 1984) Appo i n tmen t s Academic Staff F a c u lty o f M edicine Dr. Fok Tai Fai Lecturer in Paediatrics Dr. Benjamin Lai Lecturer in Psychiatry Dr. Terence Lao Tzu-hsi Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. Wong Wu-shun, Felix Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. James Ian Andrews Visiting Lecturer in Anaesthesia Mr. Christopher Hadgis Visiting Lecturer in Surgery Mr. Lo Ka-keung Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Surgery Mr. Rudolph Ngai Loi-cheung Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Surgery Mr. Mano Arumanayagam Assistant Lecturer in Chemical Pathology Mr. Andrew M. Robertshaw Assistant Lecturer in Chemical Pathology Administrative Staff Mrs. Joy Scott Temporary Editor, MBA Division Mr. Au-Yeung Fung Hon Executive Officer II, Information and General Affairs Section, Secretariat Mrs. Ng Ip K it Ying, Jean Executive Officer I I , Publications Section, Secretariat Research Staff Dr. Wong King-sun Honorary Research Associate, Institute o f Chinese Studies Gifts and Donations As a manifestation o f their confidence in this Univer sity's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's research projects, publication project, fellowship and scholarship schemes. The University has received the following gifts and donations: Research Projects (1) From The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd. a donation o f HK$250 , 000 for establishing an endowment fund to support the research programme on Management, Technology and Socio-Economic Development to be undertaken by the Institute o f Social Studies. (2) From The Croucher Foundation a donation o f HK$ 130,820 to the Department o f Paediatrics in support o f a research project on the growth during the weaning period in Hong Kong infants. (3) From Schmidt & Co. (H.K.) Ltd. a donation o f HK$100,000 to the Department o f Surgery for research purposes. (4) From Dr. Choh-Ming Li a donation comprising proceeds accrued from the sales o f the L i 's Chinese D ic tio n a ry amounting to HK$88,766 and any subsequent income from sales o f the Dictionary and bank interest thereon, to support the activities o f the Institute o f Chinese Studies. (5) From the Health Care Products Ltd. a donation o f HK$75,000 in support o f research projects o f the Department o f Surgery. (6) From the Dow Chemical (H.K.) Ltd. a donation o f HK$40,000 in support o f a jo in t research project w ith the Department o f Chemistry: 'A Study o f the Effects o f Molecular Orientation on the Mechanical Properties o f Polystyrene- based Foams and Films'. (7) From the American Edwards Laboratory o f the American Hospital Supply Corporation a dona tion o f US$3,390 in support o f a research project on the evaluation o f bioprosthetic pulleys and bioprosthetic tendons conducted by Professor P.C. Leung o f the Department o f Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (8) From the following, donations towards the Cultural Communication Programme o f the Department o f Journalism and Communication: (a) HK$2,000 from Mr. T.H. Koo , President o f the Yulan Kunju Society; and (b) HK$ 1,000 from The Chinese Opera Asso ciation o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong. 24 PERSONALIA/GIFTS AND DONATIONS
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