Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981
1981 ACU Conference of Executive Heads The 1981 Association of Commonwealth Universities Conference of Executive Heads, organized by the University of Hong Kong and this University was held from 23rd to 28th March, 1981. Over 180 Vice- Chancellors and executive heads of universities and institutions in the United Kingdom, Canada, Austra lia, New Zealand, Africa, and Southeast Asia attended the Conference. The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is the oldest international inter-university association in the world. It has 227 member univer sities in 27 Commonwealth countries. Its aim is to promote contact and co-operation between its member institutions. Topics discussed at this Con ference included: (a) Universities as international institutions; (b) Continuing education: should this be an essential and major activity of universities? (c) Cutbacks in university funding: development or stagnation? and (d) Universities and technological change. The delegates visited this University on 26th March. A special programme was arranged for them: a slide-show on the development of the University, a lecture on ‘The Chinese Road to Development' by Dr. Ambrose King , Head of New Asia College, and an 'Exhibition of a Decade of Acquisitions' mounted by the Art Gallery. An album entitled Portrait o f a Young University was published and presented to them as a souvenir. Dr. and Mrs. Ma Lin welcoming the heads o f Commonwealth universities during their visit to the University. 3
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