Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981
Cultural Events * Professor Liu Hai Su, Director of the Nanjing Academy of Art, China, gave a series of six public lectures on Modern Chinese Art from 14th February to 21st March, 1981. Professor Liu, a great master of Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy as well as oil painting, is one of the founders of China's modern art education. The lectures were organized by the Fine Arts Department. Apart from lecturing on the techniques of Chinese ink-painting, Professor Liu also gave de monstrations, the highlight of which was the drawing of two ink-paintings, which were later presented to the University as a gift. The 4.5-meter long splashed- ink landscape painting, on which Mr. Shaw Li-sheng has added two figures and Professor Jao Tsung-i has written the inscriptions, is an invaluable joint work of three great masters. * Dr. Ynjui Park, Professor of Philosophy at Simmons College, U.S.A. and Fulbright Scholar of Ewha University, Korea, gave a lecture entitled "Recent Critical Theories in Europe— Language and Experience" on 18th February, 1981. The lecture was jointly sponsored by the Com parative Literature Division of the Comparative Literature and Translation Centre, the Department of Philosophy and the Department of English of the University. * The Music Department, in association with the Music Office, Hong Kong Government and Radio Television Hong Kong, organized a series of musical activities in March 1981 as a centenary tribute to Bela Bartok (1881-1945), one of the most important com posers of the 20th century. The events in which the Music Department took an active part included: a lecture on Bartok's Orchestral and Chamber Music on 18th March, 1981 by Dr. Harrison Ryker, Lecturer in Music; and a Bartok's Centenary Concert on 25th March. The Music Department is responsible for editing a special bulletin on Bela Bartok, and its faculty members are among its contributors. * The Comparative Literature Division of the Comparative Literature and Translation Centre held an International Seminar on "Brecht in East Asia: Theory and Practice" in conjunction with the Goethe Institute, the British Council, the Centre of Asian Studies of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Comparative Literature Association from 16th to 20th March, 1981. Bertold Brecht (1898-1959) was a German dramatist and poet. Participants included experts from Japan, India, Australia, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, the People's Re public of China and Hong Kong. * Dr. Henry M. Gladney of the IBM San Jos é Research Laboratory in the United States, gave a public lecture entitled "Computer Installation Management: Identification and Resolution of Issues" on 8th April, 1981. Apart from giving an account of his experience in computer centre manage ment, Dr. Gladney also talked about the establish ment of formal communication channels as a means of maintaining a productive working relationship with users. * The Comparative Literature Division of the Comparative Literature and Translation Centre held a public seminar on "The Challenge of World Litera ture" on 16th April, 1981. The Seminar was con ducted by Professor Robert J. Clements, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Science, Department of Comparative Literature, New York University. * The first S. Y. Chung New Asia Visiting Fellow, Professor QIAN Wei-Zang of the Department of Fundamental Sciences at Qing Hua University, Bei jing, visited New Asia College of the University from 1st to 16th May, 1981 and gave a lecture on "Chinese Language Information Processing" on 12th May. * The Department of Physiology of the Medical Faculty held a seminar on "Recent Developments in Carbohydrate Metabolism in Man" on 16th June, 1981. The seminar was conducted by Professor Ian MacDonald of the Department of Physiology, Guy's Hospital Medical School, London. 28
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