Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981

News in Brief UPGC Appointments & Visitation * The Honourable Justice T. L. Yang has been appointed Chairman of the University and Poly technic Grants Committee by His Excellency the Governor for a period of three years with effect from 1st January, 1981 in succession to Dr. John H. Brem- ridge, who has resigned from the Committee. * Mr. W.R.A. Wyllie has been appointed member of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee for a period of three years with effect from 1st January, 1981. * Members of the Medical Sub-Committee of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee, ac companied by Mr. W.M. Bradley, Secretary, and Mrs. Maureen Yang, Assistant Secretary, of the Com mittee, made their formal Visitation to the Univer sity on 8th January, 1981. The members include: Professor Sir John Butterfield (Chairman) Regius Professor of Physics University of Cambridge Professor J.R. Moore Department of Oral Surgery University of Manchester Dr. E.W. Parkes Chairman University Grants Committee (United Kingdom) Sir Charles Stuart-Harris Medical School University of Sheffield The Hon. Alex S. C. Wu Legislative Councillor, Hong Kong Professor David Greenfield Dean of Medical School University of Nottingham Lord Briggs of Lewes Provost Worcester College The following overseas members of the Univer sity and Polytechnic Grants Committee also visited the University in January 1981: Professor Barbara Strang of the School of English, University of New Castle upon Tyne on the 8th; Mr. James McHugh of Ridgeway, England on the 14th; Dr. R.L. Werner, President of New South Wales Institute of Techno logy, Australia on the 13th and 14th; and Dr. B.W. Smith, Principal of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology on the 19th. New Representative o f Yale-China Association The Board of Trustees of Yale-China Associa tion in New Haven, U.S.A., has designated Dr. Terrill E. Lautz as the new Representative of the Association in Hong Kong, succeeding Dr. Charles W. Hayford and Dr. Elizabeth R. Hayford. Dr. Lautz, who gradu ated from Stanford University with a Ph.D. degree in Chinese History, will take up his new appointment in July 1981. 26