Bulletin Number One 1986

The First Home-Coming Swallows ——On the Visit of Alumni from Sabah Gathered in front of the Chung Chi Chapel in the afternoon of 13th December, 1985 was a boisterous crowd of men and women, young and old. They were the University's alumni from Sabah, Malaysia and their family. Most of these alumni had come to study in Hong Kong on scholarships some twenty years ago. The joy of reunion, the reminiscence of the past, and the warm greetings from teachers and former schoolmates overwhelmed everyone. The climax of this happy occasion was reached when they flocked round Professor and Mrs. Tien-chi Chen and Dr. Philip Fu to take a group photo on the steps of the Chapel. The Sabah alumni were the first group of alumni ever to have arranged a 'home-coming' visit to their alma mater. It is really gratifying that out of the thirty or so alumni in Sabah, twenty-three of them had joined the tour 'home' with their family, forming a group of eighty. During their four-day stay in Hong Kong, the Sabah alumni deliberately arranged their visit back to the University on Friday so that the Chung Chi graduates could attend the Friday Chapel gathering and, once again, sing the College Anthem together with their teachers and college-mates. They also sent five of their representatives to call on Dr. Ma L i n , the Vice-Chancellor, who was glad to learn of the achievements of the alumni in Sabah. The majority of the Sabah alumni now work in the field of education, some in the Education Department and some as principals and teachers in secondary schools, all playing a major role in the promotion of Chinese education. Those in business also make significant contributions to Sabah's import and export trade. As for public service, they are equally outstanding. One of them has even been elected a member of the legislature, responsible for transportation. The Sabah alumni have demonstrated their esprit de corps by holding regular meetings and making regular contributions to the ‘CUHK Alumni in Sabah Foundation', set up to promote members' welfare as well as social service. Recently, they donated HK$ 10,000 to support the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations' primary school building project. To welcome the visiting Sabah alumni, Mr. Thomas Cheung, Chairman of the Federation of Alumni Associations, and all the Executive Committee members threw a party in their honour the evening before their departure. At the party, someone suggested that the Federation of Alumni Associations in Hong Kong should initiate action to unite all the CUHK alumni associations scattered in different parts of the world into one single world-wide organization. It is hoped that the Federation of Alumni Associations in Hong Kong will soon take the lead in making the dreams of alumni come true. Below is a list of Sabah alumni who came back to visit the University: Year Name Major 1960 NG Syn Hyun CHONG Chee Foo WONG Tak Jing WONG Han Yen Chinese Physics Sociology Chinese 1961 CHAU Tet On YAP Yee Chee YONG Tet Leong Biology Physics Chinese 1963 LEE Len Jin GOH Chit Yong YONG Peck Fong Geography Geography Geography 1964 CHIN Chi Shin Chinese 1965 CHANG Yu On CHAU Shu Shing History Biology 1966 CHONG Chee Haur TAI Khyun Vui KHOO Tau Kian Sociology Chinese Fine Arts 1967 LAN Lee l i n HO Luke Chee CHONG Chen Kho TAN Yeat Phin Chinese Geography Geography Economics 1968 CHIA Su Fui HONG Yuk Ling History Geography 1972 PANG Ken Phin Theology —W.H.C. Wan, Alumni Affairs Officer RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 15