Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2006

Chinese University Bulletin Autumn · Winter 2006 64 The Chinese University is committed to excellence in teaching. Starting from 1999, the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award has been given annually to exemplary teachers from the seven faculties in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance. A total of 49 awardees were given the award in the past seven years — some more than once — in recognition of their continued outstanding teaching performance. The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) has recently published a book entitled Excellent University Teaching , based on interviews with 18 excellent teachers who were past recipients of the award. Through the joint efforts of the co-authors, Prof. David Kember, Dr. Rose Ma and Prof. Carmel McNaught, the beliefs andpractices of these teachers were transformed into principles of excellent teaching. It is hoped that these principles can be promoted and shared among local and overseas institutions. Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, introducing the Excellent University Teaching Other News Book to Encourage Teaching Excellence The two sub-units within the Research and Technology Administration Office (RTAO), viz., the Research Administration Office (RAO) and the Technology and Licensing Office (TLO), was split into two separate units with effect from 1 October 2006. After the reorganization, the director, RTAO, has been retitled director, TLO, and assumes responsibility for the reorganized TLO, with its increased volume of work, Bilingual Education and continues to report to Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor in charge of inter alia technology and licensing. The director of RAO, who reports administratively to the Director of Registry Services, provides administrative support toallpolicycommitteesandseniormembers on research administration and related tasks such as the Focused Investments Scheme and the UGC AoE Scheme. Department of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering Renamed The Committee on Bilingualism, following over a year of thorough discussion and deliberation, completed its draft report and released it to all members of CUHK for consultationon7September.Theconsultation period ended on 15 November. The committee also held forums and seminars to gather feedback from teachers, students and alumni. The committee’s report is available at www.cuhk.edu.hk/bilingualism/en/report.htm . RTAO Restructuring The Department of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering has been officially renamed the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering from 18 October 2006.