Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2006

Chinese University Bulletin Autumn · Winter 2006 46 T he Hong Kong Jockey Club has launched a project with an endowment of over HK$100 million to help dyslexic students. The project comprises research and development of assessment tools and training of Chinese language teachers at primary schools. It also covers the provision of school-based and district- based support and the development of learning packages. CUHK-led Research Projects Receive Funding Prof. Cheng Pui-wan (right 3) of the Faculty of Education and her teacher development team A team led by Prof. Cheng Pui-wan of the Faculty of Education will be in charge of the five-year teacher development pro- gramme. The club has approved more than HK$35,000,000 for teacher development. It is expected that six to eight Chinese language teachers from each primary school will take part in the training and more than 5,000 teachers will be trained in the five-year period. L ed by the University’s Institute of Chinese Medicine and in collaboration with five local universities, the project ‘Modernization of Chinese Medicine: From Clinical Efficacy to Drug Production — Two Innovative Formulae for Comprehensive Research’ has received funding of HK$10 million from the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). The project deals with two clinical problems: sleep disorder and post-stroke rehabilitation. This is the first time that ITC supports a research project involving six universities. HK$ 9 million by Planning Department to Study Hong Kong’s Wind Environment P rof. Edward Ng, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been awarded a research contract of HK$ 9 million by the Planning Department of the HKSAR. The three-year project, entitled ‘Urban Climatic Map and Standards for Wind Environment – Feasibility Study’, is a follow-up to Ng’s ‘Feasibility Study for the Establishment ofAir VentilationAssessment Systems’ of 2003. The air ventilation study has also won this year’s Professional Green Building Council (PGBC) Grand Award – Research and Planning Studies Category. The project will create an urban climatic map of Hong Kong and conduct tests, surveys and field measurements in order to set up a wind and air ventilation standard for Hong Kong.