Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2006
Chinese University Bulletin Autumn · Winter 2006 34 T he appearance of The Honourable Chief Justice Andrew Li as officiating guest and keynote speaker at the dedication of the School of Law of The Chinese University on 9 November 2006 signified a very important day in the legal development of HKSAR. On this special day, the School of Law and its founding group of students were formally inaugurated. The dedication ceremony was marked by the conferment of honorary professorships on three of the most distinguished lawyers in the Common Law world: Dr. The Honourable Sir T.L. Yang ( left ), GBM, JP, former Chief Justice in Hong Kong; Prof. Sir David Williams ( middle ), QC, DL, former Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; and The Right Honourable The Lord Woolf of Barnes ( right ), former Chief Justice of England andWales, and currently a non-permanent member of Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal. Momentous Significance for Hong Kong Legal Education Official Inauguration of the School of Law Mome tous Significance for Hong Kong Legal Education
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