Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2006
News in Brief 31 Eventful CUHK Green Week ‘T hink Globally, Act Locally, Respond Individually’ was the theme of the University’s Environmental Protection Week which opened on 28 February 2006 to raise environmental awareness among CUHK staff and students. Dr. Sarah Liao, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor of the University, officiated at the opening ceremony held on 28 February in Cho Yiu Hall. Dr. Liao and Prof. Lau presented appointment certificates to energy conservation coordinators from different departments of the University. These coordinators are responsible for promoting energy conservation on campus. Events of the special week included an energy- wise workshop, an exhibition, a visit to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, and a flea market selling e n v i r o n m e n t - friendly and used products. Friendship and Scholarship: The First 25 Years Launch Ceremony T he newly published book, Friendship and Scholarship: The First 25 Years is jointly published by the Friends and the Art Museum to mark the Friends’ 25th anniversary which coincides with the museum’s 35th. It focuses on museum acquisitions funded by the Friends during the latter’s first quarter centenary. In this beautiful book, 44 of the 800 Friends-funded museum acquisitions are represented with full colour plates and detailed descriptions by members of the Friends. Publication has been made possible by a generous donation from Barclays. Barclays is also the sponsor of the book launch held on 26 April at the Island Club. Encouraging Figures in CUHK 2005 Employment Survey A ccording to an employment survey conducted by the University released on 18 May, both the employment rate and salary level of CUHK graduates in 2005 are highly satisfactory. The survey shows, as at the end of 2005, 97.9% of graduates are either employed or pursuing further studies. The average monthly salary for those employed is HK$14,263. Among the graduates, the highest salary earner is a medical graduate who earned HK$70,000 per month. On average, every individual graduate has received 2.4 job offers. The survey was conducted by the Career Planning and Development Centre of the Office of Student Affairs of the University from November to December 2005 by means of questionnaires and telephone interviews. It covered full-time first-degree graduates of 2005 and M.B. Ch.B. graduates of 2004. 95.9% of respondents were given their first job offers by the end of September 2005, showing a 0.3% increase from 2004. Most graduates joined the commerce and industry sector (73.5%), followed by social and public organizations (13.3%), education (10.9%), and government (2.4%). The top seven career fields of CUHK graduates are: computer engineering and information technology (10.6%), accounting/ auditing (9.9%), administration/management (8.6%), sales and marketing (8.2%), medical and health care (8.1%), teaching (6.7%), and banking and finance (6.3%). In terms of job satisfaction, up to 94.1% indicates satisfaction with their current jobs.
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