Calendar 2006–07
722 Part 8 • Staff List Institute of Science and Technology Director Wu, Chi , BS (Univ. of Sc. & Tech. of China); PhD (NY); FAPS; Academician, Chinese Acad. of Sc. Hong Kong Centre of Sports Medicine and Sports Science Director Chan, Kai Ming Cavor , OBE; JP; MB BS (HK); MCh(Orth) (Liv.); FRCSGlas; FRCSEd; FRCSEd (Orth); FACS; FHKAM (Orthopaedic Surgery); FHKCOS Materials Science and Technology Research Centre Director Wong, Sai Peng , BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK) Associate Director Wu, Chi , BS (Univ. of Sc. & Tech. of China); PhD (NY); FAPS; Academician, Chinese Acad. of Sc. Institute of Space and Earth Information Science Director Lin, Hui , DipEng (Wuhan Tech. Univ. of Survey. & Map.); MS (Chinese Acad. of Sc.); MA, PhD (NY State) Associate Director Tsou, Jin Yeu , BS (Chinese Culture); MArch, DArch (Mich.) Teachers Zhang, Yuanzhi , BS (Jilin); MS (Chinese Acad. of Sc.); GradDip (Intnl. Inst. for Geo-inf. Sc. & Earth Observ., Netherland); LicSc, PhD (Helsinki Univ. of Tech.); Assistant Professor [ Chung Chi ] Zheng, Quanan , Dip (Jilin); DS (Chinese Acad. of Sc.); Visiting Professor [ New Asia ] Research Staff Chen, Jinsong , BEng (Northeast); MEng (Xinjiang); DEng (Chinese Acad. of Sc.); Postdoctoral Fellow Fang, Chaoyang , BS (Xi’an Univ. of Tech.); MS, DS (Ocean Univ of China); Postdoctoral Fellow Guilbert, Eric Gilles Francis, BSc (Littoral); MSc (Jean Monnet); MSc (Grenoble I); PhD (Rennes I); Postdoctoral Fellow Meng, Junmin , BS, MS (Inner Mongolia); DS (Ocean Univ. of Qingdao); Postdoctoral Fellow Computer Officer Chan, Chung Kwon , BEng, MSc (CUHK); MSc (PolyU); MIEEE; MIEE
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