Calendar 2006–07
Faculty and Departmental Research/Consultancy Units 365 • Training of Buddhist scholars: provide scholarships to MPhil/PhD students specializing in the studies of Chinese Buddhism/Humanistic Buddhism; • Enhancing international academic exchange among Buddhist scholars: Organizing conferences and workshops on Buddhism, and publishing academic works on Buddhist studies; and • Promulgating Buddhist culture: Coordinating a variety of cultural activities to assist in the promulgation of Buddhist culture. Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture Tel.: 3163 4464 Fax.: 3163 4463 E-mail.: Website: The Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture was founded in 2006 at the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies with cooperation of Fung Ying Seen Koon. Besides further developments on the academic studies of Daoist culture, the centre aims at promulgating knowledge of Daoist culture to the general public in Hong Kong. Also, it helps to enhance academic and cultural exchanges among Daoist organizations in Hong Kong as well as in mainland China. Major activities of the centre including international conferences, fieldtrips, public lectures and educational programmes for all interested in Daoist culture. It also publishes seasonal newsletters and an academic journal. Centre for University and School Partnership (CUSP) Tel.: 2603 7341/7726 Fax.: 2603 7128 E-mail: Website: CUSP was established in 1998. With the support of the Quality Education Fund, it initiated a series of collaborative ventures with the school sector and worked complementarily with the Faculty of Education in strengthening links with local schools and overseas educational institutes. Over the years, the centre has worked closely with more than 400 partner schools on projects to foster quality education in Hong Kong. The CUSP development team helps to analyse the situations of schools and design strategies for their improvement. The centre has been commissioned by the Education and Manpower Bureau of the HKSAR to provide professional support to 200 schools through a Partnership for Improvement of Learning and Teaching (PILT) Project from 2004 to 2009. The project aims at supporting teachers of Hong Kong with quality curriculum planning and effective teaching strategies. CUSP also organizes different programmes, such as gifted programmes, leadership development programmes and programmes supporting schools to build up self-evaluation culture. Through research and development project, CUSP intends to foster a quality culture in school community and thereby promoting quality education in Hong Kong.
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