Calendar 2006–07
Research Institutes and Centres 343 Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) Tel.: 2609 6538 Fax.: 2603 7470 E-mail: The ISEIS was formed in 2005. It was developed on the base of the Joint Laboratory for Geoinfomation Science (JLGIS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese University. It consists of three units: research, education and training, and technical development, and its main research programmes include cloud-prone and rainy areas remote sensing, virtual geographic environments, urban and metropolitan GIS, and analysis and modelling of the urban settlement environment. The Division of Geoinformation Science was formed under the institute so as to offer the MPhil and PhD programme, the taught MSc programme, and certificate programmes. The institute is equipped with a mid-high resolution satellite remote sensing ground receiving station, which is useful for researchers and students of earth observation related programmes. Joint Laboratory for Geoinformation Science (JLGIS) Tel.: 2609 6538 Fax.: 2603 7470 E-mail: Website: The JLGIS was established in 1997 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese University to provide a base for interdisciplinary and collaborative research in geoinformation science, on topics including remote sensing, geographic modelling, the integration of geoinformation systems, and global positioning systems. The laboratory is also a base for local and international education and training programmes in geoinformation science and technology, and their applications. It is staffed by scholars from the Institute of Remote Sensing Application and the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and academics from the University’s various faculties. Their research interests cover earth observation methods and systems, spatial data mining, spatio-temporal modelling and visualization, geographic information system design and integration, remote sensing image analysis and processing, urban GIS and housing development, GIS for transport and ITS, land surface stability monitoring and modelling, and watershed management systems. The Yuen Yuen Research Centre for Satellite Remote Sensing Tel.: 2609 6538 Fax.: 2603 7470 E-mail: Website: With a generous donation from The Yuen Yuen Institute of Hong Kong, The Yuen Yuen Research Centre was established in March 2004. Its mission is to be a Centre- of-Excellence committed to the promotion of remote sensing research and applications to maximize the benefits to the society from new and emerging remote sensing technologies.
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