Calendar 2006–07
Research Institutes and Centres 327 • Education and Training The centre hired and trained more than 50 research assistants in the past in the data mining and CRM areas and most of them stay in the industry as analysts in Hong Kong. The centre also provides in-house training service to local companies. Activities in year 2005–06 • Joint research project with a bank in China (August 2005 – August 2006) • Joint research project with a telecommunication company (June 2005 – January 2006) • Joint research project with a retail corporation (May 2006 – Aug 2006) • Member of the centre was invited as a speaker on CRM to delegates from Bank of China in 2005 and 2006. • Member of the centre is invited as a speaker on Business Intelligence in the High Tech Executive Summit in May 2006. Hong Kong Cancer Institute Tel.: 2632 1037 Fax.: 2649 7426 E-mail: Website: The Hong Kong Cancer Institute was established in 1990 to focus activities related to cancer and its problems. Its specific purposes are to coordinate, promote and organize activities relating to the prevention and treatment of cancer; to promote and provide training in cancer research; to educate the public on methods of prevention and the early treatment of cancer; to improve the welfare of cancer patients; and to organize seminars, workshops and conferences for advancing its objectives. Most of the institute’s activities are conducted in the Sir Yue-kong Pao Centre for Cancer located at the Prince of Wales Hospital, which was officially opened on 7th November 1994. The centre provides clinical and counseling services through a paediatric oncology ward, out-patient and day-patient facilities for adults, and a comprehensive range of diagnostic facilities. There are three floors of laboratory space providing over 3,500 square meters for cancer research. Comprehensive Cancer Trials Unit (CCTU) is the first centre in Hong Kong, approved by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the United States in 2002, to conduct new NCI drug clinical studies, with investigators in CUHK acting as Principal Investigators. With close partnership with industry, government and charitable organizations, CCTU has initiated and undertaken clinical trials in a wide range of cancers. In January 2003, a state-of-the-art Cancer Patient Resource Centre was officially opened to provide an oasis of calm for cancer patients undergoing treatment in the Cancer Centre and also a venue for research on the psychological aspects of cancer care. The Cancer Information Hotline in Cantonese, launched in 2004, is the first cancer hotline service in Hong Kong to provide a new information platform for cancer and allow the public to obtain the most updated and comprehensive evidence-based information about cancer in simple language.
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