Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 10 Apr 1965
ECONOMICS RESEARCH CENTRE T h e first research unit of the University has been established within the Institute of Social Science and the Humanities. This unit is called the "Economic Research Centre" and is under the directorship of Dr. K.R. Chou, P ro fessor of Economics. Other members of the Research Centre are Dr. P.N. Chu, Dr. N .N . Chan, Mr. C.H. Wu and Mr. C.Y. Ho. Two more members, Mr. C.M. Chang and Miss N. Sun, will join the Centre during the Summer. T h e initial project of this Centre is to make a pro jection of Hong Kong's demand and supply for agricul tural products in the next fifteen years in view of the long-term trends in local development, plus the world's demand for Hong Kong's exports and re-exports. T h e project is supported by a contract with the Depart- ment of Agriculture of the U.S. Government. For this particular project, the University also announced the formation of an Advisory Committee with Mr, John Carter, Director of Agriculture and Fisheries Department, as Chairman. Other members of the Committee consist of the following who are experts in different fields of activities in connection with agricultural products: Mr. C.T. Stratton, Statistician, Commerce & I n dustry Department; Mr. K .N.A. Barnett, Commissioner of Census and Statistical Planning; Dr. John Wenmohs, U.S. Consulate General; Hon. P.Y. Tang, South Sea Textile Mfg. Co. L td .; Dr. Ronald Hsia, Senior Lecturer, University of H o n g Kong; Mr. H .J . Shen, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking C o rp . ; Mr. Horace Kadoorie, Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons; Mr. Yeung Wing Yau, Chairman, Yee Woo Loong Rice T rading Co. COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY HOUSING Mr. Q.W. Lee, T reasurer of the University, has consented to the request of the Vice-Chancellor to chair the Committee on University Housing, which is to advise the Vice -chancellor in matters pertaining to housing allowances given to Professors, Readers and Senior Lecturers as well as to their equivalents in the administrative s e t - u p of the University. Other members of the Committee are: Mr. H .T . Wu, Registrar, Mrs. Ethel Fehl, Deputy Registrar, Mr. T .C . Cheng or his representative of United Col lege, Mr. Tse Chiu K it, Chung Chi College, and Mr. Donald C. McCabe, New Asia College. NEW UNIVERSITY STAFF M r . Cheung Shiu Tong, Assistant Registrar (Examina tions) Born in 1910’ Mr. Cheung was educated at St. Paul's Boys, College and then at the University of Hong Kong, where he received the B.A. degree (Educa tion) in 1933. Upon graduation he was appointed University Trained Master by Government and taught at various Government schools. During the War years he served as a teacher of English in Pui Ying Middle School and T ru e Light Middle School in China and later became Head of the English Section of these Colleges. After the War he returned to the Education Department in Hong Kong. In 1948 he was posted to the Education Department Headquarters as Stores Officer, and in 1950 he was appointed Secretary of the Hong Kong School Certi ficate Examination Syndicate. This post he held for three years. Later, he served in the Education Department as Secretary of the Department and then as Technical Secretary. At the same time he was responsible for the administration of overseas examina tions in Hong Kong and acted as liaison officer of the Education Department with the examining bodies in the United Kingdom. In 1958 Mr. Cheung was sent to England to study the procedures and modern techniques in the administra- tion of the G.C.E. Examinations and the Secondary School Selection Examination. He worked at various examining bodies in England, including the School Examinations Department of London University and the Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate. Shortly after his return to Hong Kong he was made Head of the Examination Section of the Education Department and given the responsibility to organize the Secondary School Entrance Examination in Hong Kong, which is a competitive examination for selection of pupils for places in Government and Government aided schools. For four years he was Chairman of both Boards of Control for the English School Certificate Examination 2
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