Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 9 Apr 1966
T h e Junior Fellows are M r . Walker Adams Bush and M r . Do n a ld Holoch . M r . Bush i s a Ph . D. candidate in Political Science m i no r i ng i n English. H e is also an M . S . i n Journalism. He has taught English as a second language i n Los Angeles and Singapore. M r . Ho l o ch o f the Berkeley campus i s a Ph . D. candidate in Comparative Literature w i th a m i nor i n English and German. T he University o f California waives its non-resident t u i t i on fee for the same number of students f r om T h e Chinese University enrolled a t any one o f its campus as the number o f it s own students enrolled a t T h e Chinese University. T h e renewed Agreement also provides fo r three fellowships f o r faculty members o f T h e Chinese University to study at the graduate school at one of the campuses o f t h e University o f California. Such fellowships carry travel grants plus a living subsidy of US$1,000. FIRST SHELL SCHOLAR FROM THE CHINESE UNIVERSI TY OF HONG KONG T h e first Shell Scholarship o f this University has been awarded to M r . Tse Fu-yuen for advanced studies. He w i ll leave this summer t o study fo r a Master's degree i n Economic Geography at the L o n d on School of Economics and Political Science. M r . Tse was graduated f r om Ch u ng Chi College i n 1965 w i th a Bachelor's degree i n Social Science. H e took Geography a s his major subject and History a s his minor. H e i s a t present teaching a t L a Sall College i n Kow l oon. Last year, th e Shell Compahy o f Ho ng Kong, L i m i t e d, donated $200,000 t o this University to establish a Shell ScholarshipEndowment Fu n d. T h e interest accruing annually f r om th e F u nd i s used exclusively t o provide, f r om time t o time, fo r a scholarship t o enable an outstanding graduate o f the University t o undertake post-graduate studies fo r a higher degree in the Un i t ed K i n g d om. Fro m lef t t o righ t Mr. Brian K.K. Yu, Personnel Ma n a g e r , The Shell Co. of Hong Kong Ltd. Dr, Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Tse Fu-yuen, Mr. D. Campbell, General Manager, The Shell Co. of Hong Kong Ltd. Mr. H. T. Wu, Registrar, The Chinese University of Hong K o n g . 2
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