Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 9 Jul–Aug 1969
Dr. Chi-Tung Yung, President of Chung Chi College Mr. Tung-Choy Cheng, President of United College Mr. Hei-Tak Wu, University Registrar Professor Eric Axilrod , Professor of Economics Dr. Chang Hson-Mou, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry,Chung Chi College Professor Cheng-Siang Chen, Professor of Geography & Director of Geographical Research Centre Sister Joan Frances Delaney, Assistant Lecturer in Sociology, United College Professor Noah Edwar d Fehl, Professor of World History Professor Bertha Professor of English Language & Literature Professor Bay-Sung Hsu , Professor of Physics Professor S.S. Hsueh, Professor of Government & Public Administration; Associate Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies Professor David H. Li, Director of Lingnan Institute of Business Administration Dr. Philip Shen, Lecturer in Philosophy & Religion, Chung Ch i College Professor H. Arthur Steiner, Directo r of University of California Study Centre Professor Chun-i Tang, Professor of Philosophy Mr. Teh-Chao Wang , Lecturer in History, New Asia College A more detailed account of the Workshop is given in a Special Supplement of this Bulletin. "ASAIHL" SEMINAR Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University and President of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning ( ASA I HL ), attended the A S A I HL Seminar on the Social and Behavioura l Sciences, held at Nanyang University, Singapore, fro m 23rd to 26th July, 1969. Dr. L i presided at the formal opening ceremony of the Seminar and delivered the opening speech. Altogether there were six sessions during which the representatives exchanged view s and discussed problems encountered by them: 1st Session: Existing State of Social Science Teaching and Research in Member Institutions: a review of problems and trends 2nd Session: Rol e of Behavioural Approach 3rd Session: Implantation and Acclimatization of the Social Sciences in South-East Asia 4th Session: The Social Sciences and National Development 5th Session: Regional Co-operation 6th Session: Summar y and Conclusions Get Best Minds in South-East Asia Together Following is the text of Dr. Li's speech: It is a privilege and honour for me to open the Seminar on Social and Behavioural Sciences. Speaking for the A S A I HL I would like to express my profound gratitude and appreciation to Nanyang University which hosts this Seminar. To host a seminar requires a lot of planning and effort. My gratitude is all the greater, not only because the Seminar is held in a young and developing University, but also because the organiser is Dr. Rayson L. Huang who assumed the Vice Chancellorship only a few months ago and who has already been plunging himself int o various meaningful regional activities. Most of the countries in Southeast Asia are now primarily concerned with social stability and productivity. The curren t priorities seem to center around:— (1) Full employment (2) Industrialization (3) Growth of per capita income (4) Balance of international trade (5) Slowing down of inflation Since the society is preoccupied with the fulfilment of these objectives, the institutions of higher education in this area are likewise orientated along the same line of development. Are we to support expansion along this line enthusiastically and to let the chips fall where they may? Should we rest satisfied with the drif t of events? If our society and university are confined to the problems of current priorities, then we shall find ourselves caught short in the crucial issues in the near future. The university, after all, is the only place that concerns itself with problems that go beyond our current needs and help train the students to deal wit h matters in the next decade or the next — 2 —
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