Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 6 Feb 1971
The overseas librarians attending the reception included: Mr. Eugene Wu, Director, Harvard- Yenching Library; Dr. Tao-tai Hsia, Chief, Far East Law Division, Librar y of Congress; Mr. Ping-kuen Yu, Director, Center for Chinese Research Materials; and Mr. Weiyang Wan, Head, Asian Library, University of Michigan. They had participated in the 28th International Congress of Orientalists held in Canberra, Australia and were returning to the United States vi a Hong Kong. During the reception, information and ideas were exchanged o n libraries and their resources of Chinese books and research materials. Library Holdings Library holdings as at 31st December, 1970 Language Titles Volumes Chinese . . 34,606 71,164 Japanese . . 4,65 1 7,701 Western . . 17,027 23,832 56,284 102,697 Journals currently received in Oriental and Western languages amount to 680 in the University Library. University Library under construction Building Development The five-storeyed University Library will have a total floor area of 86,000 squar e feet. When completed, it will hold some 400,000 volumes and will also have a photographic laboratory, a group study and audio-visual room, a periodical reading room, and conference and seminar rooms. Work on the building is progressing satisfactorily and is scheduled for completion by autumn this year. Dr. Chi Wang 士 博 冀 王 Coordinated Library System Since the University is a federal-type university, a coordinated university library system is desirable. The coordination is at present being carried out in three ways: (1) the centralized cataloguing of all current acquisitions in the Western languages, of both the University and College libraries, (2) the centralized acquisition of all books in both Oriental and Western languages, for all libraries, and (3) the central union card catalogue of all the books in the libraries of the three Foundation Colleges and the University Library. The preparation wor k for the centralization of Oriental cataloguing, which is the fourth step of coordination of the university library system, is under way. When the classification system is agreed upon the centralization of Oriental cataloguing will immediately be carried out. It is hoped that with the pooling of personnel resources from bot h the University and College libraries to form centralized processing, unnecessary duplications of work and purchasing will be minimized. Reorganization ofLibrary Committees In view of the assumption of duty by Dr. Chi Wang, the Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee resolved that all former library committees of any description be dissolved and replaced by a Senate Committee on the University Libraries with the following membership: — 2 —
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