Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 7 Mar 1971
in English, mostly on the best-selle r list and translated into 17 languages, including The Importance of Living, My Country and My People, Moment in Peking, etc. He is best-known for his translations of Chinese prose and poetry and his humanistic , penetrating interpretations of Chinese philosophy. The fact that he took his doctorate degree in Philology (Leipzig) explains his life-long interest in the development of the Chinese language. In fact, he compiled a dictionary of the Chinese language in Chinese over thirty years ago, but unfortunately only 12 volumes of his manuscript survived the Japanese war. He is thus uniquely qualified to undertake such a meaningful task. His training and experience makes him singularly qualified " t o give the Chinese language the first linguistic treatment" in the Dictionary. Printing After months of market investigation and careful study, the printing contract, upon the recommendation of the Committee of Three, was awarded to Kenkyusha Printing Company of Tokyo , a specialized printer of dictionaries of 65 years standing. A ll the Chinese characters have to be specially designed and set in order to comply w i t h the requirements of quality and uniformity. The manuscript was delivered to Kenkyusha on 28th January and the contract was signed on 4th February, 1971. The typesetting was started immediately. New Dictionary Project Office In order to cope w i th the many problems which will arise during the printing and publicatio n of the Dictionary, a new office for the Dictionary Project will be formed beginning 1st March, 1971. Dr. Francis K. Pan, formerly Director of the Publications Office, will be transferred to become the Director of the Project an d will give his undivided attention to the new office, which will wor k closely with the Committee of Three to expedite the publication of the Dictionary. Dr. Lin Yutang (second from right) attending an editorial meeting N. (1) A b i l i t y , a p t i t u d e, n a t u r a l g i f t : 才能,才幹 ,才力 etc. , -nerng, -gahn, - l i h ↓ ; 文 才 , 詩 才 l i t e r a r y , poetic g i f t . (2) Person i n regard t o c a p a b i l i t y, p e r s o n a l i t y, c h a r a c t e r : 人 才 useful person ; 没 有 人 才 lacking in capable men;幹才 p r a c t i c al a b i l i t y , person w i th such a b i l i t y ; 天 才 genius ; 奴 才 (contempt.) slave; also d u l l a r d ; 蠢 才 ( a b u s e ) i d i o t , i m b e c i l e ; 大 才 小 用 an able man given a small job; 英才 ,高才 great talent ; 小 有 才 ( person) g i f t e d w i th a f a i r degree of cleverness, possesses c e r t a in but l i m i t ed abilities ;才 難 really able men are d i f f i c u l t t o come by ; (closely r e l a t ed 材 timber, lOB.00). Adv.(1)(Emphatic a s s e r t i o n, s i m i l a r to German doch) indeed: 那 我 才 不 怕 I'm c e r t a i n l y not a f r a i d of that; 那才妙 了 Besides the many details that need meticulous care in the publication of a dictionary, the mos t exacting and challenging jobs of the Project will be (1) proof- reading and (2) the compilation of an English Index. The proofreading involves two languages and will be performed simultaneously in Tokyo, Taipei and Hong Kong, w i th the Hong Kong office serving as the coordination centre. The preparation of an English Index, to be incorporated into the Dictionary itself upon publication, will not only be an added attraction but will make it an English-Chinese dictionary as well. Financing and Publication Date Printing costs have been estimate d at approximately $600,000. Hang Seng Bank has kindly consented to undertake the financing o n most generous terms. The University will continu e to bear the cost of staff, administration and facilities. The Dictionary will contain over 1,300 pages and adop t the format of 7 " x 10" Bible paper, cloth bound in jacket and case with a first printing of 20,000 copies. Publication o f the Dictionary, which is scheduled for the summer of 1972 , will represent one o f The Chinese University's major efforts in the promotion of translation and cultural exchange. — 2 —
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