Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 7 Mar 1971
• Dr. S.T. Tsou, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Head of the Department of Mathematics, United College, has been re-appointed by His Excellency the Governor to be a Member of the Transport Advisory Committee for a further period of one year with effect from 1st December, 1970. • The Departmental Clubs of Chinese Literature, History, and Philosophy of New Asia College sponsored a seminar on "The Studies of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy in Mainland China during the Past Twenty-One Years". A series of discussions on the subject were held on 16th, 18th and 22nd February , The programme concluded with a seminar on 26th February, led by Mr. Chao Tsung, a write r on contemporary Mainland China, Mr. Chang Ch'uan, Lecturer in History at the Hong Kong Baptist College , and Mr. Mou Tsung-san, Head of the Philosophy Department at New Asia College. • The Physics Departmental Club and Astronomy Society of New Asia College are jointly organizing a series of discussions on "Relativity and Cosmology". On 17th February a discussion was hel d on " A f f i ne and Riemannien Geometry". • At the invitation of the Business Administration Departmental Club of New Asia College, Mr. Willia m C.C. Kung, Director of Studies of the Hong Kong Management Association, gave a talk on 25th Februar y on "Management Education and Training in Hong Kong". The University Bulletin of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY BULLET IN ED I TOR I AL BOARD: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mrs. A. E. Adams Mr. T. C. Lai Dr. Andrew T . Roy Mr. Stephen T. Y. Tiong Mr. P. C. Yao Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) BULLET IN STAFF: Editor - Mr. Stephen C. Soong Assistant to the Editor 一 Mrs. Y. Y. Lo COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS: Mr. Fang Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr. P. C. Yao (United College) Mr. Wei Yu-chen (New Asia College) ADDRESS: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong -8-
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