Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 5 Feb–Mar 1973
T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VOLUME NINE FEBRUARY-MARCH 1973 NUMBER FIVE CONTENTS UPGC Visitation 1 CUHK Members on Hong Kong Government's Reconstituted Education Board . . 2 Completion of Dictionary Project. . . . 2 Profiles of New Professors 2 University Student Union News . . . . 3 Gifts to the University 3 Personalia 3 Comings & Goings 4 College News 5 UPGC VISITATION The newly expanded University and Polytechnic Grants Committee visited the two Universities and the Hong Kong Polytechnic from 12th to 20th February. The purpose of the visitation was to examine the conditions and problems of the three institutions of higher learning, and, in the case of the two Universities, to scrutinize their proposals for development in the quadrennium 1974-78. Committee members made a tour of the campus of this University on 12th February. The following day, the full Committee spent the entire day at the University. They first met with the Vice-Chancellor, and then, by successive sessions, with different groups of representatives of the University: Senate representatives and professorial & non- professorial representatives Student Welfare Committee representatives College Staff Associations representatives Student representatives Extra-mural Studies representatives Library Committee representatives On the following days, the Committee operated in panels for certain academic disciplines in order to allow a more intensive examination of problems: Representatives from the Faculty of Science Representatives from the Faculty of Arts Representatives from the Faculty of Commerce & Social Science —School of Education Group Representatives from the Faculty of Commerce & Social Science — Social Studies Group Representatives from the Faculty of Commerce & Social Science —Business Administration Group On 20th February, the visitation ended with a final session held by the whole Committee with the Vice-Chancellor. On 23rd February, the Chairman of the UPGC delivered an address at a meeting of the University Council, summing up his Committee's views on the various proposals put forth by the University for the next quadrennium. In his conclusion, the UPGC Chairman expressed the view that "looking to the future in Hong Kong, the Universities will continue to play an essential role in maintaining and enriching standards of life in a community where too often materialistic matters might otherwise take priority over all else".
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