MRI Imaging, Image Post-processing, Artificial Intelligence, Paediatric Radiology, Ultrasound Imaging
Research Interests:
– Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
– Advanced MRI Imaging in Brain & Hepatology
– Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
– Paediatric Oncology & Haematology
– Fetal Imaging & Congenital Anomalies in Children
– Ultrasound Imaging
Teaching Profile
Prof Winnie Chu is a dedicated educator in radiology. She has been giving a great varieties of radiology lectures in international, regional and local conferences. Her audience include radiologists (general/ paediatric radiologists/ trainees/ specialists), clinicians (paediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, neurologists, obstetricians, family doctors) and allied health members (radiographers, nurses).
She is also actively involved in under-graduate medical student teaching and post-graduate radiologist/ sonographer training. She is the Director of the MSc course in diagnostic ultrasonography. She is also the lecturer for MSc in Gastroenterology; MSc Neurological Sciences; and MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care, contributing to the imaging part of the syllabus of these professional programs.
She is the coordinator of the in-house radiology training for residence within the Department of Imaging & Interventional Radiology in the Prince of Wales Hospital.
She is the regular keynote speaker and faculty member of the annual meeting of AOSPR (Asian Oceanic Society of Pediatric Radiology). She has been invited to give lectures in large international radiology meetings such as RSNA and SPR.
Service Profile
Professor Winnie Chu provides regular weekly clinical service sessions for the public and private patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Her main expertise remains in the paediatric imaging, where she provides frontline imaging service covering MRI, CT and ultrasound in paediatric imaging, plus additional input into clinico-radiological conferences and ad hoc consultations. She also provides breast imaging, CT and MRI imaging for adult patients.
She is one of the few paediatric radiologists in Hong Kong who has vast clinical experience in Dynamic MR Urography for congenital urinary track anomalies in children, fetal MRI and functional MRI neuroimaging and hepatology imaging.
She is the honorary clinical consultant of the Department of Imaging & Interventional Radiology in the Prince of Wales Hospital and honorary consultant in the New territories east cluster. She is the clinical coordinator of paediatric imaging service, as well as clinical coordinator of Ultrasound service in PWH.
She is the member of clinical work group (Paediatric Radiology) & Task Force on Development of Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, member of working group of Paediatric Radiology training guidelines and paediatric radiology subspecialty trainer for the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. She is also the expert panel member to the Council of Hong Kong Paediatric Society (HKKPS), an member of Grant Review Board for reviewing applications to the Health and Medical Research Fund (HKRF) under Research Office of the Food and Health Bureau.
Professor Chu has given many years of service to the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. She is the Editor-in-Chief for the Hong Kong Journal of Radiology (HKJR) since 2011. Professor Chu is an examiner for joint the Royal College of Radiologists UK and the Hong Kong College of Radiologists Final Examination for the Fellowship.
Besides being an academic researcher, her other major service to The Chinese University of Hong Kong include Head of MRI Division, Gerald Choa Neruoscience center; vice- chairmen for Faculty Medical student admission committee and member of the Fitness to Practice Committee.
Research Profile
Professor Winnie Chu is an academic radiologist specializing and focusing in the research, education, and clinical service in Paediatric Imaging.
Professor Chu is the author of over 400 peer-reviewed scientific papers and over 100 presented scientific paper abstracts. She is the foundation member and currently the Academic Secretary of Asian Oceanic Society of Pediatric Radiology, AOSPR and editor of the online journal AOfPR. She is also the Program Committee member of AOSOR (Asian Oceanian School of Radiology) for Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology (AOSR)
She is the editorial board member of “Pediatric Radiology” journal. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of Hong Kong Journal of Radiology (HKJR) and section editor of European Journal of Radiology (EJR).
She is the contributor of major textbooks in paediatric imaging including Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging (Coley editor, 12th and 13th editions, Elsevier Saunders) and the associate editor of Pediatric Imaging: Practical Imaging Evaluation of Infants and Children (Lee editor 2017, Wolters Kluwer). These books are comprehensive & considered reference texts in the field of Pediatric Imaging & have been published by premier publishing companies in the world. She is also the co-author of a few ultrasound textbooks (Amirsys series).
Professor Chu’s main research interest and her MD title is on morphometric Studies of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). She is the academic radiologist who has published the largest number of MRI-related research on AIS. Her presentations have been chosen to be the best clinical science paper in Harrington Spine Symposium 2005 and in the IRSSD meeting in 2010 & 2016. She has obtained several competitive research grants related to AIS research as the Principal Investigator.
As a clinician radiologist, Prof Chu has been working closely with multiple clinical departments related to paediatric and maternal care, including general paediatrics, paediatric surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, neonatology, children cancer unit and antenatal obstetrics care. Her other paediatric research interests include imaging of paediatric oncology and haematology patients, fetal MRI, imaging of congenital anomalies in children (including CNS, thoracic and urogenital malformations). She has published widely on the applications of ultrasound in children imaging including development of dynamic imaging protocol for urinary bladder and Color Doppler imaging of ureteric waveforms. An invited review paper has been published on the above topic in the Pediatric Radiology Journal.
During the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, Prof Chu has collaborated with paediatrics centres in Toronto and Singapore and reported the chest radiograph pattern in a cohort of children suffered from SARS from different nations. This paper has been chosen as the prestigious Walter Berdon Award for the best Clinical Scientific paper in Paediatric Radiology in 2004. CUHK has conducted a multi-centre follow up of SARS children among five hospitals in our locality and coordinating high resolution CT imaging for this group of patients. During the outbreak of renal complications related to melamine-tainted milk products, Prof Chu has collaborated with the pediatric department and published papers on this topic, including one article in the New England Journal of Medicine. Two external competitive grants have been obtained on follow up of this cohort of patients.
Selected Publications
Advanced Imaging Technique in Hepatology
- Hou J, Wong VW, Jiang B, Wang YX, Wong GL, Chan AW, Chu WC, Chen W. Macromolecular proton fraction mapping based on spin-lock magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2020 Dec;84(6):3157-3171. (IF: 4.668)
- Wei JL, Leung JCF, Loong TCW, Wong GLH, Yeung DKW, Chan RSM, Chan HLY, Chim AML, Woo J, Chu WCW*, Wong VWS*. Prevalence and Severity of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Non-Obese Patients: A Population Study Using Proton-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2015;110:1306-1314. (IF: 10.383)
- Wong VW, Wong GL, Yeung DK, Lau TK, Chan CK, Chim AM, Abrigo JM, Chan RS, Woo J, Tse YK, Chu WC*, Chan HL*. Incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Hong Kong: a population study with paired proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Hepatology. 2015; 62:182-189. (IF: 10.590)
- Abrigo JM, Shen J, Wong VW, Yeung DK, Wong GL, Chim AM, Chan AW, Choi PC, Chan FK, Chan HL*, Chu WC*. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: spectral patterns observed from an in vivo phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Journal of Hepatolog 2014;60(4):809-15. (IF: 11.336)
- Wong VW, Wong GL, Yeung DK, Abrigo JM, Kong AP, Chan RS, Chim AM, Shen J, Ho CS, Woo J, Chu WC*, Chan HL*. Fatty pancreas, insulin resistance, and β-cell function: a population study using fat-water magnetic resonance imaging. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014;109(4):589-597. (IF: 10.755)
- Wong VW, Chan RS, Wong GL, Cheung BH, Chu WC*, Yeung DK, Chim AM, Lai JW, Li LS, Sea MM, Chan FK, Sung JJ, Woo J, Chan HL. Community-based lifestyle modification programme for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Hepatology. 2013; 59(3):536-542. (IF: 10.401)
- Leung VYF, Shen J, Wong VW, Abrigo J, Wong GL, Chim AM, Chu SH, Chan AW, Choi PC, Ahuja AT, Chan HL, Chu WC*. Quantitative elastography of liver fibrosis and spleen stiffness in chronic hepatitis B carriers: comparison of shear-wave elastography and transient elastography with liver biopsy correlation. Radiology. 2013;269:910-918. (IF: 6.214)
- Wong VWS, Chu WCW*, Wong GLH, Chan RSM, Chim AML, Ong A, Yeung DKW, Yiu KKL, Chu SHT, Woo J, Chan FKL, Chna HLY*. Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and advanced fibrosis in Hong Kong Chinese: A population study using proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopy and transient elastography. Gut. 2012;61(3):409-415. (IF: 10.732)
- Chu WCW, Lam WWM, Lee KH, Yeung DKW, Sihoe J, Yeung CK. Phosphorus-31 MR spectroscopy in pediatric liver transplant recipients: a noninvasive assessment of graft status with correlation with liver function tests and liver biopsy. American Journal of Radiology. 2005;184(5):1624-1629.
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image
- Zhang L, Shi L, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW, Yu SCH. LPAQR-Net: Efficient Vertebra Segmentation from Biplanar Whole-spine Radiographs. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2021;25(7):2710-2721. (IF: 5.772)
- Hopman HJ, Chan SMS, Chu WCW, Lu H, Tse CY, Chau SWH, Lam LCW, Mak ADP, Neggers SFW. Personalized prediction of transcranial magnetic stimulation clinical response in patients with treatment-refractory depression using neuroimaging biomarkers and machine learning. Journal of Affective Disorder. 2021;290:261-271.
- Zhang RZ, Zhao L, Lou WT, Abrigo JM, Mok VCT, Chu WCW, Wang DF, Shi L. Automatic segmentation of acute ischemic stroke from DWI Using 3-D fully convolutional DenseNets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2018;37:2149-2160 (IF: 7.816)
- Zhao L, Biesbroek JM, Shi L, Liu WY, Kuijf HJ, Chu WCW, Abrigo JM, Lee RKL, Leung TWH, Lau AYL, Biessels GJ, Mok V, Wong, A. Strategic infarct location for post-stroke cognitive impairment: A multivariate lesion-symptom mapping study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2018;38:1299-1311. (cover page) (IF: 6.045)
- Shi L, Zhao L, Yeung FK, Wong SY, Chan RKT, Tse MF, Chan SC, Kwong YC, Li KC, Liu K, Abrigo JM, Lau AYL, Wong A, Lam BYK, Leung TWH, Fu JH, Chu WCW, Mok VCT. Mapping the contribution and strategic distribution patterns of neuroimaging features of small vessel disease in poststroke cognitive impairment. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2018;89:918-926. (IF: 6.131)
Neuro MR Imaging and Post-processing
- Xue C, Shi L, Hui SCN, Wang D, Lam TP, Ip CB, Ng BKW, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW*. Altered white matter microstructure in the corpus callosum and its cerebral interhemispheric tracts in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: diffusion tensor imaging analysis. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2018;39:1177-1184.
- Kong Y, Shi L, Hui SC, Wang D, Deng M, Chu WC*, Cheng JC. Variation in anisotropy and diffusivity along medulla oblongata and the whole spinal cord in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A pilot study using diffusion tensor imaging. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2014;35(8):1621-7. Selected as highlights in AJNR News Digest April 2015
- Chu WCW*, Wu JCY, Yew DTW, Zhang L, Shi L, Yeung DKW, Wang D, Tong RKY, Chan Y, Lao L, Leung PC, Berman BM, Sung JJY. Does acupuncture therapy alter activation of neural pathway for pain perception in irritable bowel syndrome?: a comparative study of true and sham acupuncture using functional MRI. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2012;18(3):305-16.
- Wang D, Shi L*, Chu WC*, Burwell RG, Cheng JCY, Ahuja AT. Abnormal cerebral cortical thinning pattern in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis. Neuroimage. 2011;59:935-942.
- Shi L, Wang D*, Chu WCW*, Burwell GR, Wong T, Heng PA, Cheng JCY. Automatic MRI segmentation and morphoanatomy analysis of the vestibular system in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Neuroimage. 2011;54 Suppl 1:S180-188
- Shi L, Wang D, Chu WCW*, Burwell RG, Freeman BJ, Heng PA, Cheng JC. Volume-Based Morphometry of Brain MR Images in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Healthy Control Subjects. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2009;30:1302-1307.
- Wang D, Shi L*, Chu WCW*, Paus T, Cheng JC, Heng PA. A comparison of morphometric techniques for studying the shape of the corpus callosum in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Neuroimage. 2009;15;45(3):738-748.
- Wang D, Shi L, Chu WCW*, Cheng JC, Heng PA. Segmentation of human skull in MRI using statistical shape information from CT data. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009;30:490-498.
- Liu T, Chu WC*, Young G, Li K, Yeung BH, Guo L, Man GC, Lam WW, Wong ST, Cheng JC. MR analysis of regional brain volume in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Neurological manifestation of a systemic disease. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2008;27(4):732-6.
- Chu WCW*, Chik KW, Chan YL, Yeung DKW, Roebuck DJ, Howard RG, Li CK, Metreweli C. White matter and cerebral metabolite changes in children undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: longitudinal study with MR imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy. Radiology. 2003;229(3):659-669.
Advanced Imaging Technique in Obesity /Adipose Tissue
- Chiyanika C, Wong VW, Wong GL, Chan HL, Hui SCN, Yeung DKW, Chu WCW*. Implications of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Distribution on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Chinese General Population Study. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology. 2021;12(2):e00300.
- Hui SCN, Wong SKH, Ai Q, Yeung DKW, Ng EKW, Chu WCW*. Observed changes in brown, white, hepatic and pancreatic fat after bariatric surgery: Evaluation with MRI. European Radiology. 2019 (2):849-856.
- Hui SCN, Zhang T, Shi L, Wang DF, Ip CB, Chu WCW*. Automated segmentation of abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue in obese adolescent in MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2018;45:97-104.
- Hui SCN, So HK, Chan DFY, Wong SKH, Yeung DKW, Ng EKW, Chu WCW*. Validation of water-fat MRI and proton MRS in assessment of hepatic fat and the heterogeneous distribution of hepatic fat and iron in subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. European Journal of Radiology. 2018;107:7-13.
- Hui SC, Ko KL, Zhang T, Shi L, Yeung DK, Wang D, Chan Q, Chu WC*. Quantification of brown and white adipose tissue based on gaussian mixture model using water-fat and t2* mri in adolescents, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2017;46:758-768.
- Liu KH, Chan YL, Chan WB, Chan CN, Chu WCW. Mesenteric fat thickness is an independent determinant of metabolic syndrome and identifies subjects with increased carotid intima-media thickness. Diabetes Care. 2006; 29:379-384. (IF: 10.108)
MR Morphometric Analysis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
- Yeung KH, Man GCW, Shi L, Hui SCN, Chiyanika C, Lam TP, Ng BKW, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW*. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Morphological Change of Paraspinal Muscles in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine. 2019;44(19):1356-1363.
- Shi L, Wang D*, Hui SCN, Tong M, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW*. Volumetric changes in cerebellar regions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis compared with healthy controls. Spine J.2013;13(12):1904-11.
- Shi L, Wang D*, Yeung BHY, Chu WCW*, Griffith JF, Heng PA, Cheng JCY, Ahuja AT. A novel statistical morphometry imaging method for differentiating long bone geometry: Methodological development and analysis with Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) patients. Med Eng Phys. 2011;33:1103-1107.
- Chu WCW, Wang D, Shi L, Rasalkar DD, Heng PA, Cheng JCY. Difference in shape and relative alignment of semicircular canals in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) compared with normal controls: high -resolution MRI and morphometry study. Pediatr Radiol. 2011;41:S299.
- Wang D, Shi L, Chu WCW*, Cheng JC, Heng PA. Segmentation of human skull in MRI using statistical shape information from CT data. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009;30:490-498.
- Chu WCW*, Man GC, Lam WW, Yeung BH, Chau WW, Ng BK, Lam TP, Lee KM, Cheng JC. Morphological and functional electrophysiological evidence of relative spinal cord tethering in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine. 2008;33:673-680.
- Chu WCW*, Man GCW, Lam WWM, Yeung BHY, Chau WW, Ng BKW, Lam TP, Lee KM, Cheng JCY. A detailed morphologic and functional MRI study of the craniocervical junction in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine. 2007;32:1667-1674
- Chu WCW, Man GCW, Lam WWM, Yeung BHY, Chau WW, Ng BKW, Lam TP, Lee KM, Cheng JCY. Is obstructed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow a feature at the cranicervical junction in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)? Phase contrast MR study and comparison with normal controls. Pediatr Radiol. 2007:37: S140.
- Chu WCW, Ng BK, Li AM, Lam TP, Lam WW, Cheng JC. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in assessing lung function in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a pilot study of comparison before and after posterior spinal fusion. J Orthop Surg. 2007;19 2(1):1-7.
- Chu WCW*, Li AM, Ng BKW, Chan DFY, Lam TP, Lam WWM, Cheng JCY. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in assessing lung volumes, chest wall and diaphragm motions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis versus normal controls. Spine. 2006; 31:2243-2249.
- Chu WCW*, Wong MS, Chau WW, Lam TP, Ng KW, Lam WWM, Cheng JCY. Curve correction effect of rigid spinal orthosis in different recumbent positions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): A pilot MRI study. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2006; 30:136-144.
- Chu WCW*, Lam WWM, Chan YL, Ng BKW, Lam TP, Lee KM, Guo X, Cheng JCY. Relative shortening and functional tethering of spinal cord in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?: Study with multiplanar reformat magnetic resonance imaging and somatosensory evoked potential. Spine. 2006; 31(1):E19-25.
Dynamic and Doppler Ultrasound
- Liu KH, Chu WCW*, Kong APS, Yuen LY, Chen L, Lee MC, Lau RPM, Tam WH, Chan JCN, Ahujja AT. Augmented Velocity Index: A New Doppler Index Associated with Arterial Stiffness. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2019;45(10):2747-2757.
- Liu KH, Chu WCW*, Kong APS, Choi Ko GT., Ma R C W, Chan J W S, Chow LTC, Rasalkar DD, So WY, Tse LF, Corcoran HS, Ozaki R, Ahuja A T, Chan JCN.
US assessment of medial arterial calcification: a sensitive marker of diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications. Radiology. 2012;265:294-302. (IF: 6.339) - Leung VY, Rasalkar DD, Liu JX, Sreedhar B, Yeung CK, Chu WC*. Dynamic ultrasound study on urinary bladder in infants with antenatally detected fetal hydronephrosis. Pediatric research. 2010;67(4):440-443.
- Leung VYF, Chu WCW*, Metreweli C. Hydronephrosis Index: a Better Physiological Reference in Antenatal Ultrasound for Assessment of Fetal Hydronephrosis. J Pediatr. 2009;154:116-120.
- Liu J, Leung VYF, Chu WCW*, Sreedhar B, Metreweli C, Yeung CK. Characteristics of the Bladder in Infants with Urinary Tract Infections: An Ultrasound Study. Pediatr Radiol. 2008;38:1084-1088.
- Leung VY, Chu WC*, Yeung CK, Metreweli C. Doppler waveforms of the ureteric jet: an overview and implications for the presence of a functional sphincter at the vesicoureteric junction. Pediatr Radiol. 2007;37:417-425. Chosen for CME accreditation.
- Leung VYF, Chu WCW*, Yeung CK, Metreweli C. Gender difference in achieving rate of maturity of the vesicoureteric junction. Pediatr Radiol. 2007;37:189-193.
- Leung VYF, Chu WCW*, Yeung CK, Sreedhar B, Liu J, Wong EMC, Metreweli C. Nomograms of total renal volume, urinary bladder volume and bladder wall thickness index in 3376 children with a normal urinary tract. Pediatr Radiol. 2007;37:181-188.
- Leung VY, Chu WCW*, Yeung CK, Metreweli C. Ureteric Jet Doppler Waveform and Bladder Wall Thickness in Children with Nocturnal Enuresis. Pediatr Res. 2006; 60(5):582-586. Selected as Editorial Focus.
Paediatric Imaging
- Lee Edward Y, Chu WCW*, Lam Wendy. Regional activity of the Asian and Oceanic society for paediatric radiology (AOSPR). Pediatr Radiol. 2014;44:675-676.
- Rasalkar DD, Chu WCW*, Paunipagar BK, Cheng FWT, Li CK. Paediatric intra-axial posterior fossa tumours: pictorial review. Postgrad Med J. 2013 Jan;89(1047):39-46.
- Darshana DR, Chu WCW*. Imaging in children presenting with acute neurological deficit: Paediatric stroke mimics. Postgrad Med J. 2012;88(1045):639-48.
- Chu WCW, Leung VYF, Rasalkar DD. Difference in size of abdominal nodes and bowel wall thickness in children with recurrent abdominal pain in comparison with age-matched control. Pediatr Radiol. 2011;41:S273.
- Chu WC*, Tam YH, Lam WW, Ng AW, Sit F, Yeung CK. Dynamic MR assessment of the anorectal angle and puborectalis muscle in pediatric patients with anismus: Technique and feasibility. J Magn Reson Imaging.2007;25:1067-1072.
- Chu WCW*, Li AM, Ng AW, So HK, Lam WW, Lo KL, Yeung MC, Yau YS, Chiu WK, Leung CW, Ng PC, Hon KL, Mo KW, Fok TF, Ahuja AT. Thin-Section CT 12 Months After the Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Pediatric Patients. Am J Roentgenol. 2006;186:1707-1714.
- Chan MSM, Chu WCW*, Cheung KL, Arifi AA, Lam WWM. Angiography and dynamic airway evaluation with MDCT in the diagnosis of double aortic arch associated with tracheomalacia. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005;185:1248-1251.
- Chu WC*, Lam WW, Lee KH, Yeung DK, Sihoe J, Yeung CK. Phosphorus-31 MR spectroscopy in pediatric liver transplant recipients: A noninvasive assessment of graft status with correlation with liver function tests and liver biopsy. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005;184(5):1624-9.
- Rasalkar DD, Chu WCW*, To KF, Cheng FW, Li CK. Radiological Appearance of Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010;54(7):1029-1031.
- Rasalkar DD, Chu WC*, Cheng FW, Li CK, Hui SK, Ling SC. A pictorial review of imaging of abdominal tumours in adolescence. Pediatric radiology 2010;40:1552-1561.
- Ho SS, Chu WCW, Wong KT, Li CK, Wong W, Ng PC, Ahuja AT. Letter to editor: Ultrasonographic evaluation of melamine-exposed children in Hong Kong. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(11):1156-1157.
- Rasalkar DD, Chu WCW*, Cheng FWT, Paunipagar BK, Shing MK, Li CK. Atypical location of germinoma in basal ganglia in adolescents: radiological features and treatment outcomes. Br J Radiol. 2009;83:261-267.
- Chu WCW, Luk SSH, Wang D, Shi L, Yeung DKW, Waye M, Cheng PW, Ahuja AT. Functional MRI findings in Chinese (non-alphabetic) reading dyslexic children: what is different from alphabetic-language dyslexics? Pediatr Radiol. 2009;39:S522.
- Chu WCW*, Mok GCF, Lam WWM, Yam MC, Sung RYT. Assessment of coronary artery aneurysms in paediatric patients with Kawasaki disease by multidetector row CT Angiography: feasibility and comparison with 2D echocardiography. Pediatr Radiol. 2006;36(11): 1148-1154.
- Chu WCW*, Yeung DK, Lee KH, Lam WW, Yeung CK. Feasibility of morphologic assessment of vascular and biliary anatomy in pediatric liver transplantation: all-in-one protocol with breath-hold magnetic resonance. J Pediatr Surg. 2005;40(10):1605-1611.
- Chu WCW*, Chan KW, Metreweli C. Scintigraphic detection of ‘yo-yo’ phenomenon in incomplete ureteric duplication. Pediatr Radiol. 2003;33:59-61.
- Chu WCW*, Lee V, Howard RG, Roebuck DJ, Chik KW, Li CK. Imaging findings of paediatric oncology patients presenting with acute neurological symptoms. Clin Radiol. 2003;58:589-603.
- Chu WCW, Metreweli C, Chik KW, Lam WWM, Chan YL, Li CK. Enlargement of hepatoduodenal ligament lymph nodes in beta thalassemia children receiving multiple transfusions: a common observation. Hematologica. 2002;87(8):882-884.
Selected Research Grants
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Grants Awarded
- Principal Investigator, General Research Fund (GRF) 2021-2022
Project title: Automatic Segmentation and Radiomics in Multiparametric Orbital Magnetic Resonance Images for Progression Prediction of Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$1,125,732. 01/01/2022-31/12/2024
- Co-Principal Investigator, Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2021-2022
Project title: Neuropsychiatric ‘long-COVID’ in adult patients. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$3,251,480. 01/01/2022-31/12/2023
- Co-Principal Investigator, Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2019-2020
Project title: Using Advanced Neuroimaging to Predict Language and Cognitive Outcomes in Pre-Term Infants. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$ 5,559,743. 01/10/2020-30/09/2023
- Principal Investigator, General Research Fund (GRF) 2016-2017
Project title: A 2D-3D Modeling Scheme for 3D Lung Reconstruction Derived from Low Dose Biplanar X-ray in Standing Position- with Clinical Validation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$672,387. 01/01/2017-31/12/2020
- Principal Investigator, General Research Fund (GRF) 2011-2012
Project title: Computational modeling and analysis of pulmonary function derived from dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$1,060,875. 01/01/2012-31/12/2014
- Principal Investigator, General Research Fund (GRF) 2010-2011
Project title: Computational Morphometry of Semicircular Canals and Cerebellum Derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). HK$969,110. 01/01/2011-31/12/2012
CUHK – Vice-Chancellor’s One-off Discretionary Fund
- Co-Investigator, CUHK – Vice-Chancellor’s One-off Discretionary Fund
Project title: MRI System for Human Neuroscience Research. HK$45.5M. 01/05/2019-30/04/2024
Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Grants Awarded
- Co-Principal Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) 2018-2019
Project title: Using Imaging Data and Genomic Data to Predict Metastasis of Breast Cancer after Treatment. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$7,900,000. 01/08/2019-31/05/2022
- Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Midstream Research Programme for Universities (MRP) 2020-2021
Project title: Development of Fully Automated Non-Invasive MRI Applications for Diagnosis and Staging of Liver Fibrosis and Inflammation. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$6,800,000. 01/07/2021-30/06/2024
- Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) 2019-2020
Project title: An MRI-compatible Robotic Cannula for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$1,373,445. 01/04/2020-30/09/2021
- Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) 2017-2018
Project title: D-Lung: An Analytics Platform for Primary Lung Cancer Screening, Diagnosis and Management based on Deep Learning Technology. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$4,970,450. 01/07/2018-30/06/2020
- Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Guangdong – Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS) 2013-2014
Project title: A Platform for the Development of Intelligent Medical Ultrasound Measurement, Diagnosis and Intraoperative Guidance Systems. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$2,653,970. 01/11/2014-30/10/2016
- Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Guangdong – Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme (TCFS) 2012-2013
Project title: Research and Development of US-MRI Fusion Based Targeted Prostate Biopsy Systems: Planning, Training and Intelligent Intraoperative Guidance. Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). HK$2,653,950. 01/06/2013-31/05/2015
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grants Awarded
- Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2013
Project title: Research on automatic, fast and seamless stitching of spinal cord diffusion tensor images. RMB700,000. 01/01/2013- 31/12/2016
Fondation Yves Cotrel de l’Institut de France Grants Awarded
- Principal Investigator, Fondation Yves Cotrel de l’Institut de France 2013
Project title: What is the association between abnormal anatomy or function of vestibular systems with curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? €606,300. 01/01/2013-31/12/2014