PhD in Medical Sciences

The programme is research-oriented. Students should show ability for independent work and inform themselves in depth about the fields of knowledge relevant to the topic of their projects.


(a) Coursework(Full & Part Time)

Students WITHOUT a research Master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 50 units of courses for graduation.
For Full-time Students:
Required courses:units
First Year of Attendance:14
  • 1st term: MESC7612, 7621, 8633, MEDP6002
  • 2nd term: MESC7612, 7621, 8633, MEDP6003
Second Year of Attendance:12
  • 1st term: MESC7612, 7621, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Third Year of Attendance:12
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8635
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8635
Fourth Year of Attendance:12
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8635
  • 2nd term: MESC8636
 Total: 50
For Part-time Students:
Required courses:units
First Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7611, 8632, MEDP6002
  • 2nd term: MESC7611, 7621, 8633, MEDP6003
Second Year of Attendance:9
  • 1st term: MESC7611, 8633
  • 2nd term: MESC7611, 7621, 8633
Third Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Fourth Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Fifth Year of Attendance:9
  • 1st term: MESC8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Third Year of Attendance:2
  • 1st term: MESC8632
 Total: 50
Students WITH a research Master’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 38 units of courses for graduation.
For Full-time Students:
Required courses:units
First Year of Attendance:14
  • 1st term: MESC7612, 7621, 8633, MEDP6002
  • 2nd term: MESC7611, 7621, 8634, MEDP6003
Second Year of Attendance:12
  • 1st term: MESC7611, 7621, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8635
Third Year of Attendance:12
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8635
  • 2nd term: MESC8636
 Total: 38
For Part-time Students:
Required courses:units
First Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7612, 8632, MEDP6002
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8633, MEDP6003
Second Year of Attendance:9
  • 1st term: MESC7611, 8633
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Third Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7611, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC7621, 8634
Fourth Year of Attendance:10
  • 1st term: MESC7621, 8634
  • 2nd term: MESC8634
 Total: 38

(b) Qualifying Examination

  1. Advancement to Ph.D. candidature at the end of the first year (and no later than the end of the second year) will be based on the student’s satisfactory performance in the following:
    1. MESC7621: presentation of results of project work;
    2. Progress report by supervisor(s); and
    3. Oral examination, as necessary, on aspects related to the student’s research project.
  2. Student who failed to have his/her candidature advanced by the period stated will be required to discontinue from study.

(c) Other requirements

  • Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage.
  • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement, unless special approval is granted by the Graduate Council.
  • A student must achieve a minimum grade of C in each of the courses taken in order to fulfill the graduation requirements, unless special approval is granted by the Faculty Board.
  • Students are required to submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
  • Complete an Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) module on “Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the CLEAR website.
  • Students are also required to attend IPL modules on “General Safety”, “Biological Safety” and “Chemical Safety” courses, and other required laboratory safety courses, depending on the nature of the research project. Students should consult Division for details.
  • Complete an IPL module on “Research Data Management Training”. This is an online module and relevant information can be accessed from the website: Students are required to complete and pass the module in their first year of studies.
  • Students are required to complete an online Research Ethics Training (RET) module on “Publication Ethics” offered by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and obtain a valid Publication Ethics Certificate for graduation. Relevant information can be accessed from the RET website at

(d) Course List & Description

MEDP6002 Biostatistics
This course introduces basic statistical concepts and methods. The emphasis of the course is on practical applications: choosing the correct method for particular datasets and correct interpretation of the analysis results. Examples from different disciplines of public health including chronic and infectious disease epidemiology, environmental health, and health policy will be used to illustrate the use of biostatistical methods in answering important public health questions.

MEDP6003 Biostatistics
This course introduces basic statistical concepts and methods. The emphasis of the course is on practical applications: choosing the correct method for particular datasets and correct interpretation of the analysis results. Examples from different disciplines of public health including chronic and infectious disease epidemiology, environmental health, and health policy will be used to illustrate the use of biostatistical methods in answering important public health questions.

MESC7611 Guided Studies
To attend seminars/workshops and carry out assignments for the purposes of increasing knowledge of the research area and improving experimental design and data analysis.

MESC7612 Guided Studies
To attend seminars/workshops and carry out assignments for the purposes of increasing knowledge of the research area and improving experimental design and data analysis.

MESC7621 Seminar
To present a seminar summarizing research work performed in the previous term/year.

MESC 8632 Research
(Thesis monitoring course)
To conduct research work on the assigned research topic.

MESC 8634 Research
(Thesis monitoring course)
To conduct research work on the assigned research topic.

MESC 8635 Research
(Thesis monitoring course)
To conduct research work on the assigned research topic.

MESC 8636 Research
(Thesis monitoring course)
To conduct research work on the assigned research topic.

(e) Learning Outcomes

  1. Our research programmes aim to educate researchers to embark on careers that would allow them to become world leaders in their fields, working as university professors, principal investigators in research institutes, senior managers in enterprises, or experts in other professions related to the pursuit and application of knowledge.
  2. The University expects master's degree graduates of research programmes to have acquired advanced knowledge in major areas of an academic discipline while maintaining a broad understanding of other related fields. Master's degree graduates should have gained enough background knowledge to enable them to perform research with minimal supervision. In particular, they should have the ability to formulate individual research tasks and to develop solution methodologies under minimal supervision. Master's degree graduates should be capable of producing original, innovative research output, some of which may lead to publication in well-respected scholastic venues. They should have gained proficiency in techniques of knowledge dissemination through presentation and writing.
  3. For graduates of research programmes at both doctoral and master's level, communication and language skills at a level appropriate to university graduates are expected already at the time of admission. In particular, fluent communication skills are expected in the language(s) essential to their research areas. In general, a high level of proficiency in English is expected as it is commonly regarded as the default international research language. Ability in a second language is encouraged.