News Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

Congratulations to Mr. Choy Ivan Chi Keung (Senior Lecturer) who received a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Teaching Performance for College General Education Course! Mr. Choy taught “The Art of Leadership” for Shaw College in 2016-17. 


mr choy

Congratulations to Prof. ZHAN Jing Vivian (Associate Professor and Department Head) who received Research Excellence Award 2015-16!

The award by the Research Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong recognized Prof. Zhan’s outstanding research performance and strong research portfolio.


event 1

Date: 7 November 2015

Topic: On the Chief Executive Election (笑談特首選舉)

Speaker: Mr. Tsang Yok Sing (曾鈺成先生), President of Legislative Council    group photo final

Host: Mr. Kenneth Ng King Chun (吳璟儁先生)

Time: 2:30-4:30 pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre C1, United College


The Department had great pleasure to have invited Mr. Tsang Yok Sing, President of Legislative Council to speak on “On the Chief Executive Election”. The event brought together about 100 friends of GPA Department, including alumni, staff and students celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Department at the beautiful United College of CUHK


Please click here to download a group photo of the event

greater china news